tranny or linkage??? or both?

since the day i got the car, there has been a problem getting into 3rd. it was mild i just try again and it goes in, but lately 3rd and 5th are giving me problems. sometimes 3rd is straight impossible to get in, and i just skip to 4th. i had the car on a lift, and looked at the linkage, it isnt tooo bad looking, but maybe the bushings are bad??
Sounds like tranny, though
If it's an RT, also check the linkage at the lever. The cables connecting to the lever are adjustable. And from personal experience adjusts itself lol
shifting up or down...?
engine running or not...?
double de-clutching...?
other signs...oil texture/smell...?
check (!upper)engine mounts/shifter bushings
- and always ...
but if im in 5th, comin to a light, and i wanna downshift, sometimes it takes almost a minute to get it outa 5th.
there is no tranny noise except when i think its in gear and it isnt, then it grinds.
thanks guys
good luck.