Integra armrest in the Wagovan 2.0

ok here is my front section it can be done the Ebrake is giving me troubles and im not finished but anyone can make it fit nice with patience ...


here is a full pic



  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    did the cig-lighter/ashtray not match up from the teg console? i was under the impression that it did match up.

    either way...that looks great! you're gonna paint it to match the interior right?
  • sic944tsic944t Wagonist
    i retain the stock lighter and ashtray
    and no im not painting it i am putting in more black item so i have black and brown like the seats and the wheel and stuff
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    but did it line up?

    black and brown sounds great! great combo
  • sic944tsic944t Wagonist
    no you could make it work with some careful fitting and cutting of the stock wagon center the cleareance in back isnt deep enough

    like putting a 7 inch pecker in a 5 inch hole .......

    but if you hacked up the wagon center and were creative you could retain the integra cupholder i think but then again there is that metal support bracket
    bottom line i guess get one take your apart and start makin it fit maybe you could score a junk wagon center and just tear into it
    i would rather sacrifice that random teg part then put my wagons oem parts under the knife
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    oOo okay. thanks for the info!

    you said something about black and brown seats?
  • wagom4nwagom4n Wagonist
    do you have cup holders now???
  • i have cup holders in are blue 88 with a 94 center. the one problem i had was filling the gap between the two. i took off the wagons cig and ash tray.
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