SOFT brakes even after bleeding

the brake pedal on my wagon is rediculously soft even after bleeding. what would be the next possible fix? no fluid leaks. possible MC problem?


  • mvmmvm Wagonist
    Possibly the Master Cylinder.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Either master cylinder seals or your brake lines are too old and squishy. Does it get more squishy after driving for a while?
  • quarters wrote:
    the brake pedal on my wagon is rediculously soft even after bleeding. what would be the next possible fix? no fluid leaks. possible MC problem?

    i just put in a new 15/16ths MC the other day.
    found out the old one had a piston issue and was leaky.
    big improvement.. pedal is stiffer.

    try that first..and check your booster.

  • quartersquarters Council Member
    adjusted the MC linkage connected to the brake pedal. done and done.
  • KahunaKahuna familEE
    My car has the same problem. Where is the MC cylinder and linkage on these cars?
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    get under the dash with the car off. pump the break pedal and see the rod that goes into the firewall (the MC rod). i turned the nut until the break pedal sat HIGHER and not lower.

    and the master cylinder is the metal tube that the break fluid resivoir connects to.
  • KahunaKahuna familEE
    Yeah, I know what the MC and stuff is, I just didn't know where the linkage was located on these cars.
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