someone clarify my clouded mind.

first, i've done all the research and i've read all the articles (old and new forums) and i'm just as confused as a cow in a pig pen.

my wagon has over 400,000kms and lots and lots of cancer. it is hardly worth spending any money on. All 4 shocks are toasted, i have spare front ones off a parts wagon. The rears however, have me slightly perplexed in some regards. I want to replace them, i have about 10 various DA & EF parts cars. Now, which spring/shock combo can i use from DA & EF to bring the rear end back to a good ride, with a near stock ride hight. looking for as close to stock as possible. yes i am cheap, no i don't want to invest any serious money into this car. My time spent on it is already a stretch.

it is my understanding that an EF rear w/ DA springs will bring it back to stock'ish. true/false?



  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    FALSE :evil:
    Springs: DA recommended.

    Once again, to set everything straight in your mind, the front springs are the same (in height), however the rear are a little different. DA springs, if you were to measure them, have the same dimensions as EF ones (height, diameter, etc.). So why use them over EF springs? Because manufactures make EF springs with the EF CRX and HB in mind, a car lighter then a Wagon, by about 200 – 300 lbs. Just carry 2 passengers in you car, and you’ll notice the difference in the way your car acts. Because of this, EF springs aren’t designed for the weight and length of a Wagon. As a result the car bottoms out on the shocks easier, especially in the front, we’ve noticed. DA springs are designed for a car that’s 200 – 300 lbs HEAVIER then a Wagon. Actually, I think that number is actually closer to the 400 lbs mark. So when DA springs are in a Wagon, they must think the car is as light as a feather in comparison to what they were designed for.

    The one thing with these springs however, relates back to the fact of the taller shocks in the rear of a DA. Taller shocks require taller springs. So putting DA springs straight into a Wagon will leave the rear sitting high, almost as if you didn’t even lower it at all. I’m sure there’s some of us here that have experienced this before! So cutting 2 – 3 dead coils off the top of the rear springs levels out the Wagon very cleanly. Some might say these springs make the right too stiff, but I’ll personally trade that off any day over having things bottom out over the littlest cracks in the road.

    clsmooth(one of the cool OG from the old site).I still remember he put 4 Si(I think) seats in his wagon.I'm pretty sure he was refering to OEM Wgn shx.A uncut DA spring on a EF rear shx will probably put you in at 3-4 inches(75-100mm) higher than stock.If you cut the DA springs to'll b way too stiff.

    Your cheapest choice would be a EF rear shx & spring.If you have a set of civic sdn. springs.These might be a little stiffer.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    not trying to bash or anything, but wasnt that for lowering the wagon? i know a couple of people have DA springs on the board, they could clearify

    your best bet would be to go EF-EF, not do mix-and-match. If you dont have rear springs, go to local junkyard and try to find some. Like Si said, even sedans would work, but Hatch would be best. hell, you might be lucky and stumble upon another wagon at the junkyard. then you can get all four, and even maybe some replacement parts for all that cancer.
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    isn't the rear EF - EF stock combo to soft for the wagon? i suppose it would probably still be better than blown out ones...
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    The wagon only has harder shocks springs and longer travel because Honda assumed that the wagons would be used for carrying gear moreso than a hatch. When my wagon is loaded down with gear it handles better, i assume this is because the springs and shocks are coming into their comfort zone.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Also, you'll NEVER EVER catch me cutting springs, especially progressive rate springs. Not even keeper coils.
  • loodoodloodood Band Wagon
    i used rear springs from my ed-hatch, and kyb agx all-around for an ed-hatch. front looks/feels stock....rear has the wheel-well clearance of an ed-hatch, which makes the front and rear look even, instead of all jacked-up in the back. i can easily fit my whole fist between the top of tire and wheelwell.....meaning it's great for d/d. it feels and drives like stock, just looks better. i'm not sure of the spring rate of a hatch vs. spring rate of a wagon, but i cannot feel any difference in the seat-of-the-pants. if there is a slight discrepency, the adjustable shocks seem to take-up the slack. hope that helps.
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    ok, well i'm gunna do EF/EF and let you know how it goes.
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