fender flares!

I recently brought a shuttle and i plan to slam it on some 15x8 with 165/50/15 with 20mm spacers as you can imagine they will sit quite far out from under the guards, here in New Zealand its legal if the wheel sits under the body line of the car, therefore I require assistance in purchasing fender flares. anyone done this? i dont mind if they are just bolt ons
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I’m new to the site so sorry if it’s already been covered somewhere.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I’m new to the site so sorry if it’s already been covered somewhere.
I think the flares I used will be overkill. I am using 16x10s and there is still space. I am even thinking of using a small spacer.
By the way turbo-teg i didn't think anybody payed any attention to my thread
Nissan S13 is any 240sx (USA), 180sx (japan), or 200sx (europe) from 89-94. Just look through my thread. Last few pages should have the fender flares from the S13 on there. Here is a quick pic
im looking for some flares now, before i mount my wheels
("but" is used as like a nothing word where i live, a bit like "man" etc etc)
Only by the young illiterate crowd pouring out of NCEA classrooms... :P
(not to circumvent the rules but you basically have to post in the new members section and introduce yourself.)
Its hcw's way of giving people a reason to look over the rules which, after a quick scan of the info, will help everyone to have a better experience here.
welcome to the site
are you from australia? i know a lot of people who say "but" at the end of sentences from australia is why i ask.
Edit: i saw your introduction thread you figured it out ^^
Makes sense to me that people from NZ say "but" to its close to australia
S13 flares shouldn't be hard to find at all in NZ.
I had been wondering about the scion xb flares and missed the post in ragenasians build thread about the S13 flares (you cant blame me i was busying lookin at his metal ones).
like these if they would fit
(not my car i "borrowed" this pic as an example of the flares that i have been lookin at. I apologize if I offend the owner in any way buy using this picture. I think the work on it looks great and id love some work wheels ^^b)
In my opinion the front flare on that scion doesnt fit quite right with the profile of the front fender; its a little odd looking, it 'might' fit a civic wagon correctly tho.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... MEWAX%3AIT
look like the go
really ragenasian or jaker or some of these other guys with flares already would give you the best input.
That listing has a few yellow caution flags for me personally tho.
1.Their rating is below 99% with 3000 sales (always makes me read their feedback)
2. There is no refrence to who manufactures them and with exactly what they define as the "Best Fiberglass"
3. It says can add 2-3" of girth which is confusing semantically. They are obviously a static width because there are divets to mount these with screws. it would be hard to cut them off to make them bigger or smaller or you would cut those divets off so im guessing they are refrencing the front(2") vs the back(3")
Nothing that couldnt be fixed with some emails im sure, good sellers always are happy to answer that stuff. Maybe some better pictures of the backside of them can reveal with what type of quality they were manufactured. or some measurement to know if they are the right over all size.
Anyways I paid about the same for mine plus shipping. Their feedback is something I wouldn't worry about. In today's world people complain about everything. No matter what you do somebody is always going to complain about something. 3100 plus feedback at 98% is a very good number.
The 2-3 inch width i guess depends on how you mount them as some fenders have a slope to them and some don't. The wagon fenders already have a slight flare to them so you probably won't get as much extension as you would with a fender that doesn't. I have a pretty good flare now and my 10 inch Steffan wheels don't even fill the arch now. One of the problems you might run into if you decide to go this route.
However if you order and it turns out to be crap don't come on here and blame me (you do have the right though
Seeing as you will be running 165 tyres you will be able to fit them under the stock guards by pulling and rolling them, no need for flares at all. When you lower your shuttle the camber will increase a lot, tucking the tops of the wheels into the guards
They would look better on the wagon though. 8)
Found it:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/RARE-4-s ... 2478wt_958