Paper Civic Wagon

Ok, i am way way too bored.
There are some paper fold up vw cars that have been floating around the vw community for a while.
I making an attempt to make a civic wagon one.

As you see below i just traced the car in line art so far hoping to update that with some real pictures eventually once i get the basic shape working.
I dont have a printer to test this out im sure it needs some major tweaking.
Ill get it printed at kinkos tomorrow but i figured id post what i got so far up.

enjoy and modify all you like


  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Gutterslide made one of these a while back. I'll see if i can dig the thread up.
  • this has been done before

    look here
  • colecocoleco New Wagonist
    oh damn i shoulda searched first :lol:
    Ima make me one of those gutterslide ones instead.

    Glad i didnt waste forever on it hahahaha
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    That's the thread i was going to look for... damn that is an OG thread, 2005!
  • On the other hand, this model looks a lot easier to construct. Maybe a little X-acto knife action, some judicious folding, and BAM! One-sheet Wagon. You could even hand them out like resumes.

    You got that in SVG or some other vector format?
  • colecocoleco New Wagonist
    its in macromedia flash 5 vector format. Thats my only vector graphics software, i use it for animation purposes.
    I can export to illustrator and maybe other vector formats.
    i rasterized it to .jpg for posting.

    I guess i was origionally thinking of using that drawing to line up photographs of cool wagons for easy replicas of the cars i like. I do like all the options with the other fold up wagon in the other thread and how he did the colors with seperate files. With flash i was thinking of having it so you can change the color or the wheels using buttons and then just print it as you like it. (i.e add mudguards, different stance, different wheels, bigger or smaller overall size, tinted or non tinted windows, r/t logos or no r/t logos)
    All the options make it too much work to make so many different files. I've found that with civic wagons people could be anywhere from above stock down to completely slammed theres a lot of diversity.
  • Hmmm. Perhaps a Wagon "KISS doll" would do the job. But that's all bitmap.

    I was hoping for something I could easily scale, for printing on different sizes of paper.
  • neato! I'm going to get some card stock to print it on, and put it on my mantle!
  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist

    cool! could do with being a little bigger
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    EDwEFprts wrote:

    Placing an order for one of each of the real deal.
  • I just made one for a prototype. I think the roof is just a smidge too long. I'll try again some other day, with x-acto knives instead of scissors.
  • GREYGREY New Wagonist
    that is bad ass!!!!!!!
  • sometimesidosometimesido New Wagonist
    haha I made this version real quick because I got excited.
    Making the other(more complicated) version tomorrow after a trip to Kinko's.

  • jrsjrs Band Wagon
    i'm going to try and make one, hopefully have some good pics
  • rezistk20rezistk20 New Wagonist
    ha thats cool
  • neckfaceneckface Wagonist
    Ooo! Creativity surging! :lol:
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