Wastegate question

Ok, here's the story, I have a 38mm external wastegate with an 8psi spring in it, it's a no-name jobbie. I only want to run 8 psi of boost. Therefore I don't actually need a boost controller.
The question is do I need to plumb any lines into the wastegate or not, if not what do I do with the ports (1 side, 1 top). Do I just leave them to atmosphere. I can't seem to find the answer in previous Q+A's
here's a pic of the item, it's at the top of the pic and goes out ouf shot but you can see the bottom port. The top port is in the center.
The question is do I need to plumb any lines into the wastegate or not, if not what do I do with the ports (1 side, 1 top). Do I just leave them to atmosphere. I can't seem to find the answer in previous Q+A's
here's a pic of the item, it's at the top of the pic and goes out ouf shot but you can see the bottom port. The top port is in the center.
