Torque specs for rear diff mounts

Hello all. I would like the torque specs for the rear diff mounts. I searched this forum and my shitty haynes manual but they are no where to be found.

Bolts 21 to the diff
Bolts 14 to the body/frame
And any other I should possibly know about or am I overthing it and just wrench em down?



  • I think i'm missing one of those #14 bolts. I was under there looking a bit ago and all I saw was a bushing and a big hole! not good!!

    other than that, I don't know any of those torque specs, I'll probably need them too here shortly...
  • Lol one of the covers was really recessed. I mean the washer that gbolt 14 slides into that wraps everything up. I'll try and get a pic. But if you look at it from the bottom the bolt should be there. Hopefully!
  • i ended up looking at it further, and yes, it's there! it was scaring me for a bit but kinda funny at the same time when i figured it out :lol:
  • page 15-62 on the oem manual...(get one!):

    bolt 21 = 40 lb-ft

    bolt 14 = 43 lb-ft
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