New member from Vancouver Island!

I'm a newbie HCWagoneer, just 2 yrs. I now have 2, an '85 & my "new" '86! Neither are 4whlrs; can I still join the club? Both are 300,000+, but in kilometers, so barely 200,000 miles. I laugh when I hear the MPG's that most people are getting in their brand new guzzlers. Canadian gallons are larger than US gallons,(maybe not in Texas), so I get about 40 mpg average, about 20% higher! If anyone with the older carberated model has ideas for better milage, I'd love to hear about them! I'm hoping there are more Vancouver Island members who have extra parts!!! So other than I'm a musician who also repairs speakers, that's me...Spkrwill
i cant read a word he says...