Clunking in the rear end on the RT4WD

Well , inoticed the rear end clunkcs when i drive...

ive never owned a rwd/awd car b4..

what could be the problem?

U-Joints maybe? the rear diff doesnt leak i dont hink, but i should prolly change the fluid


  • davensdavens familEE
    I wouldn't get 4wd specific just yet...the wagons suffer from age related problems just like any 15+ year old EF.
    Worn out suspension bushings are a common culprit.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Like davens said it will most likely be bushings, i'd check the rear trailing arm main bushing.

    The RT4WD dont use u-joints, they have CV's like the front - IRS! :D
  • i have the same noise in 2 of my wagons. i think it is the rear diff mounts. i havent changed them out yet. by the way there are u-joints on the drive shaft but there not changable.
  • USDM EGUSDM EG Band Wagon
    wow, that gay, thanks honda!

    i guess ill just ignore it, and turn off 4WD
  • sic944tsic944t Wagonist
    yea the drive shafts are like an 800 dollar fix ....
  • loodoodloodood Band Wagon
    how do you disconnect 4wd....i mean i don't have an owners manual but i see that warning that's on the visor, so there must an easy way to do this in case of towing...sorry to whore.
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    A/T or stik?They disengage different.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Check your rear trailing arm centre bushes, i'm gonna bet that its these making the noise... it is on mine.
  • turbocivicturbocivic Band Wagon
    the stick has a 10mm bolt to loosen near the speedo cable, and then another 10mm nut welded to a bracket that you put a wrench on and move to the other end of the slot, then tighten the first nut back down. it helps to have it in neutral so you can rock it allittle.
  • 949949 Senior Wagonist
    i have that noise only when i hit it abit hard. i did change out the bushing and the noise is still there. dont know what else it could be. the bushing is brand new now. i have the 4wd disengaged. no more sound but no more 4wd drive which i liked for on and off ramps of freeways.
  • vincevince Band Wagon
    I had the same problem in my 4WD a couple years back. I checked it out online and it seems to be a common thing in the RTs. It never amounted to anything and didn't get worse over time. I had my car in the Honda dealership and their shop foreman didn't really say what it was but said there was nothing wrong with it. If I remember correctly it happened most when I shifted hard into second.

    Of course when my tranny blew 200 miles from home the clunking noise became irrelevant. I think maybe its just the rear end trying to engage for some reason since it usually happened when I was shifting hard into second. I don't really know what factors cause it to engage.
    Does anyone know if clutch or tranny problems are interpreted by the 4WDs as a loss of front end traction?

  • akiraboyakiraboy Founder
    no, I think that situation would yeild an overall loss
  • FSC4wdFSC4wd familEE
    Check this thread out. I had the same "clunk" every time I would shift.
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