New to forum 89 wagon

Hey everyone,
I recently found this awesome forum. I didn't know there was even a following for civic wagons. My name is Ryan and live in Suwanee, GA. I've had my wagon for about 2 years and it's bone stock except for the stereo. I built speaker boxes for the rear, which have worked out really well. I plan on doing some modifications such as the shocks and springs, mpfi conversion, maybe different headers. But this will have to wait until next summer, because I'm in college right now and money is pretty tight. Although I have decided I need to at least get the windows tinted before school starts. This car gets hot as hell in summer!
I recently found this awesome forum. I didn't know there was even a following for civic wagons. My name is Ryan and live in Suwanee, GA. I've had my wagon for about 2 years and it's bone stock except for the stereo. I built speaker boxes for the rear, which have worked out really well. I plan on doing some modifications such as the shocks and springs, mpfi conversion, maybe different headers. But this will have to wait until next summer, because I'm in college right now and money is pretty tight. Although I have decided I need to at least get the windows tinted before school starts. This car gets hot as hell in summer!
What are you doing July 25th? Wanna go to Nashville?
This is The Cream Machine.
YR-88's UNITE!!!!
looks good man
I'm not up to a whole lot. I'm assuming your taking about the Import Alliance. I should be able to go.
Can I ask how much you paid?
Looks really nice! Your roof rack is complete(unlike mine when I found my car).
What are your plans for it?
now, how's the car running,
the tint and school