Removing the 4wd from the wagovan

Well, I removed the engine and tranny, and noticed that the 4wd tranny, along with the driveshaft etc is super heavy. I would like to know if it is possible to convert it using an 88-91 srx s1 cable tranny. Using the existing half shaft, and the axels left over after removing the 4wd transmission. I know that I will need to get the rear disc conversion from an 88-91 civic, or a 90-93 integra. On the flip side. When I remove the rear differential, will the rear of the vehicle be okay? Please provide some info. Thanks. Also what is a fair price to sell the 4wd system? Thanks again.
NOT true.You just need the 2WD trans mount.
NOT true.You'll need the driver's side 2WD axle.
NOT that easy.The Major prob is that the Wgn LCA(meant trailing arm) is longer & the Teg is too long.It's NOT a easy job.The cheapest way to do it is the way mrwagovan & the dude from the link in 2nd posting of the link) did it,BUT it's also the HARDEST to do.Read this link:
Thatdoodlehas a Rear disc kit,but it's $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.Cost over TWO Thousand DOLLAR$ by the time you're done.NJCIVICWAGON1 sells the kit for Thatdoodle.
Yes.Thatdoodle has a 4WD kit too,but I think there's NO prevision for the splash shield.Then you won't need a 2WD Wgn LCA(meant trailing arm) .
The 4WD Wagon uses the exact same rear LCA as the 2WD Wagon. I can't confirm for sure what was said about the Integra LCA, but I'm pretty sure it is the same length as all the Civic ones from 1988 to 1995 and all the Integra ones from 1990 to 2001. The issue you'll have when trying to do the disc conversion is the trailing arm. The Wagon has the bastard long trailing arms. This is the only North American application that has these trailing arms. The CRV has the same style arms, but I have not done a close up comparison to be certain that they are the same. Both the 2WD and the 4WD Wagon use these longer arms.
EDIT - Yup, I was right. Skunk2 list the exact same part for all those applications: ... 42-05-0105
You will need to keep the outer joints from the rear driveshafts and the axle nuts, as the bearing/hub assembly is held together by this axle stub/nut combination. Eiher that, or you would need to swap out the 4WD trailing arms for the 2WD ones. Remember though, that it has to be Wagon arms, as they are longer than the other Civic and Integra arms.
:? NOPE ! When you guys unbolted the mtr mount you FORGOT to unbolt the brkt between that mount & the tranny.It's about a 1"(25mm) thick made of stamped steel.
:oops: As far as the LCA.What I meant was trailing arm in which case we're both right.
Here are pics of what I'm talking about:
FWD/4WD auto mount:
4WD manual mount:
Also, you post says something about the Teg trailing arms being too damn long. Well they are actually the exact same length as the other Civic and Integra trailing arms, all except for the Wagon of course.
Jaker's right about the trailing arms.
I'm NOT disagreeing with either one of you(Jaker & teamols),but all that is needed is the brkt between the mount & tranny.Yes the dowels will work.Why spend time making the dowels when there's a ready made Honda brkt?