Engine wireing harness **HELP**
Band Wagon
I got a Wagon out of the junkyard an they took the Engine harness..
Well what im asking is help to find a ( Automatic, Multi' port Fuel inj' -Eng' harness )
Off of a 1990 RT-4wd wagon
OR ^ A pin out of all the Plugs to the eng' harness The big round plug pin outs on the drivers side.. And the Big round plug, The rectangle plug,. and the small square plug All on the Passenger Side..
Let me know thanks...
Well what im asking is help to find a ( Automatic, Multi' port Fuel inj' -Eng' harness )
Off of a 1990 RT-4wd wagon
OR ^ A pin out of all the Plugs to the eng' harness The big round plug pin outs on the drivers side.. And the Big round plug, The rectangle plug,. and the small square plug All on the Passenger Side..
Let me know thanks...
But finding a "Multi' point" automatic harness is hard... All day i find Stupid "Dual point" auto harness's
Its really not that hard to convert a dual point to multi point fuel injection, especially if you have the harness out. Its the same thing as doing it while its in the car. You just need the resistor box and some injector clips and wire. Really simple stuff.