Help me get my baby running again! Possibly a fuel problem
Hi, I’ve had my 1988 Wagovan for 25 years and it’s been the most reliable thing in my life. I am moving states and decided to send my car to my granddaughter in Texas for her 17th birthday. BUT, I was dropping something off and left the engine running while I got out of the car- within seconds the engine turned itself off and now the car won’t start. It has a new battery, and the engine cranks, please don’t suggest it’s the battery. One other piece of information that might help you diagnose or make suggestions is that for well over 10 years, the check engine light has been coming on and off without any effect on the car’s running. I tried to get it diagnosed twice with mechanics who couldn’t figure out what was happening (they said if the car worked, it wasn’t worth my money to have them spend enough time to find the problem). I don’t want to prejudice any other answers, but I’m wondering if it’s the main fuel relay or another fuel-related component. Unfortunately I can’t find the relay. I have never been able to find a service manual. Can someone please provide photos of the location of the relay or pages from the service manual or SOME advice on how to figure out the problem?? I am NOT a mechanic. I am a woman who had two kids and no money and had to learn how to work on my car using books. Never had anyone to teach me this stuff. Thank you.
weird flex but ok. The main fuel relay is under the dash to the left of the steering wheel. If you pop the lower trim panels you can find it.
bypass it. the yellow/black needs power but one of them is the power source too. if it still doesn't start its not the relay
Was curious to find out if it was the f.i. Relay or not, one basic diagnostic rule i have been told and have found to be accurate on 88-91 hondas
if it dies/died while running check/replace the fuel injector relay or its the distributor
the dies while driving rule ive learned is applicable to most any vehicle with fuel injection and a distributor based
cam position sensor is in the 88-91 distributor,
also from recent experience with another vehicle of mine
measure the resistance of your spark plug wires and see if they are within spec
too high OR too little resistence will cause a no fire or very rough running condition
mine fell below the lowest give spec
ne ways hope u got it solved and running