B18B Swap
Two part question, both seem obvious, but I'd rather ask than assume. I have 89' 2wd Wagovan auto and I'm looking at scooping a B18B. It comes with a laundry list or parts for the purchase price...
- – Motor
- – Hydraulic Tranny (Y80, S80,S4C)
- – ECU (P75)
- – Axles
- – Shift Linkage
- – Stock Motor Mounts
- – Alternator
- – Starter
- – Clutch
- – Flywheel
- – Intake Manifold
- – Exhaust Manifold
- – Fuel Rail
- – Injectors
- – Distributor
- – Partial Engine Harness
- – Comes With All Sensors Needed
Question 1 - This essentially makes everything a 94-01 Integra LS right? Last thing I want is to deal with confusion at Autozone on a fuel pump, plugs, etc. I know I need to do the auto to manual swap, but is there anything big missing from this list? Hub assembly 94-01 Teg? If the motor and tran are coming together is there any reason to worry about a hydro to cable conversion?
Question 2 - I have very basic mechanical knowledge, nothing as big as this. I have a brother who is willing to help who has built an old school 400, swapped trans, a lot more knowledge than myself. With the access to pre-made wiring harness etc. is this something that I really need to take into a shop for? I'm 300+ miles from the closest shop who could do this work and every shop has good and bad reviews. I was quoted $1200 for the swap and the auto to man conversion, plus long towing that would probably be in the range of $1200 to get it down there and back. It feels like there is so much info on the web and kits to make things easier that paying $2,500~ to tow-swap-tow is just wasting cash.
Thanks for any feedback.
I'm also basic Mechanical skilled. you'll need EF motor mounts, cable to hydro conversion you'll need jumper harness for the ECU, Distributor for OBD0-OBD1 i think injectors have to be repin not 100 percent sure on that, i think you'll need to use DA halfshaft/axles to fit the factory hubs on the wagon i can't think of anything else at the moment