2 New wagons

Hello everyone it’s been years since I’ve been on this forum or done anything car related. I recently picked up 2 wagons this year 1990 civic wagon FWD (automatic), 1989 civic wagon RT4WD (Manual) I’ve been messing around to try to post pictures but I forgot how to from a URL host what are you guys using?


  • I think there might be a how-to somewhere on the site, but generally you host your pics somewhere (google image, apple, imgur, etc) and then you click on the tree/picture icon above the text box and select from URL. You can upload it from your computer too if you choose from computer, hit browse and then select the file. I think that image will only show up to people who are logged in, and shows up as an attachment, not an inline pic though. I'll dig around for the how-to as well.
  • Good looking wagons! So did you host offsite or use attachments?
  • Thank you, I saved pictures on my profile here and just attached them of that makes sense sorry I’m not good at explaining ��
  • makes sense. thanks bro
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