red stripe is to give it the whole SiR look as for the lip its the first gen integra lip mine is the 89 lip oh thanks for the advice i know i got to hit them just sick of trying to finish this car?oh btw its just pin stripe from auto zone
Lookin tuff. One of these days I'm gonna catch a clean teg lip at the junkers. What's up with the rear lip??? What is that from and where do you get one???
ive been trying to figure out the trim thing i think it was an option cause ive seen sir's without ... any way i bought the same stripe and it seamed thin i just did a door for a quick idea ... im still not decided
that looks better then some i see. there not sticking out that mush and a real tight fit. glad to see it coming along. mine hasnt moved since i saw you. how was the meet in azusa?
Looks nice man! Do those fogs work well or is it more for looks? Also the 1g teggy lip looks identicle to the SiR lip I have sitting in the garage. Are they the same, or did you have to mod the teggy lip?
the fogs are oem stanley and all i did was follow the back trim lines thats why they look factory i did the cutting with a razor blade so it would be a clean cut as for the lip i had to do some trimming. SI were are you from?maybe you me and a few other wagon members can meet up but i just hope no one will flake
now that part is hard to answer frank i will get you the info hit me back in a pm i have to goto the place to pick more up i dont really know what its called i just used on some of the mini trucks and race car that i have built so you wont cut your self on sharp ends
Was it just trimming to fit the lip :?: Was it fairly easy :?:
luv the color. wat was the install like on the rear foglight?