Fricking vandals
Thursday morning I was happily loading some supplies for a job into our workhorse Hyundai when what did I spy with my little eye, but a smashed rear window in the factory hardtop of my Z3. We have the garage full of new cabinets and sheetrock for our own kitchen project, the BMW usually gets to sleep indoors. So, that car's at the body shop for new glass and paint where the flying glass shards hit the car. The good news? The f___wad didn't bother the Wagon, which was parked right beside the Z3. At least there's that. The jerk didn't try to get inside of the car, either. The alarm didn't go off - no glass sensor. Hmmm. Factory alarm. Maybe have to fix that. I guess it was all about envy, or being drunk, or both. :x I can't be bothered to waste time speculating about this a__wipe's motives - but hey, I feel a little better now that I've vented. Now I'm off to take old nails out of some 2x4's, so we can recycle them in the new kitchen. An hour of pounding away with a hammer and crowbar will be good therapy.
In the past year I've had my del sol stolen, my crv spare tire stolen and I never take the wagon out anymore for fear of anything happening to it since parts are almost ridiculous to acquire nowadays...
wellll...that would make it the rare'est collectors item ever !
yeah yeah...i know...shut up.
: )
btw...did the hour hammering an pounding
cover the 'damage'
NO? wonder
Mine's a 4cyl, 5 speed - I nearly got a 6cyl coupe, but didn't want to spend the extra cash for that back in 2000. The 6cyl can really make you feel shot out of a cannon - now it doesn't matter that the 4cyl is slower, just glad that it's not an automatic since Z3's are pretty heavy. Besides, I almost always drive the wagon now.
Sorry to hear about your Del Sol and CRV spare. That sucks. I'm thinking about selling the Z3 so I can put the wagon in the garage, since I've been fixing it up lately. Maybe I should have it wrapped to look like a beater so nobody will be attracted by it.
on a lighter note? are you French? i like that "F" sticker you got. very sexy Z3 as well. when i graduate i want to get an M Coupe, one of my all-time favorite BMW. this will be in 3 years.
I'm part Belgian, in fact, but I went to school for a year in Paris a long time ago and lived with a French family, so I identify with that country. Don't have any relatives in Belgium that I know of anymore. Living in France really changed my life and now we try to go there every few years. There's a small town in the Loire Valley called Chinon that I especially like visiting, along with just about anywhere in Brittany and Normandy. Still haven't explored much of the south, but look forward to that next trip.
The Z3 Coupe that I almost got instead of the roadster was black on black too. It made me feel "almost famous" to drive it. The M Coupe is a very cool car - but no spare tire, it comes with a pump if memory serves. I don't know how much I'd like that, think I'd get a space saver tire just to limp to the tire shop with. Anyway, Wagodizzle, that would be a kick-ass present to yourself for graduation.
This afternoon we looked at the new Honda Insight. Haven't driven one yet, but we're talking about getting rid of a couple of cars to make room for one. The price seems good right now, maybe Honda's trying to steal some of the Prius market. Just want to make sure those bandits at the dealership aren't planning to pile on any sort of crazy dealer markup.