True Form Time Attack - 10/20/07
Pictures are all fucked up and put of order, this is going to suck. I'll keep updating and bumping this thread as more are added.
Everyone knows I love comments, so please tell me what you think, which ones are your favorites, whatever. :wiggle:
I should of been a dumb noob and quoted you
very cool pics bro
Wow, you guys allow convertibles without roll bars? Nobody around here does. There's one group that will allow a factory hardtop. Other than that, it's a real roll bar (not just a single hoop "style bar" like some of those Miatas have) with a minimum 4-point harness for both driver and instructor.
That's why.
Not dissing your events at all - if I was in your area, I'd probably take my Miata (without a roll bar) to one. It would have plenty of company.
FWIW, the off-track Miata is either Hard Dog'd or Boss Frog'd.
that would be fun in a swapped wagon.