new to the board.


I've had a handful of Hondas but this is my first wagon. I now drive a '92 Dodge Ram diesel as my main 4 wheeled transportation.


It does not like extreme cold weather. I was trying to get out of Hondas but I got this one to drive around as a winter beater. I still have a set of Enkeis with winter tires that will fit right on it. I also will probably use it around town to run errands, since my truck get's about 12 mpg in town and it rides like a tank on rough city streets. Here's a craigslist pic of the wagon.


It took a hit from a deer, so it needs a new front fender and a door. It could use better front seats too, but I dunno how much money I want to throw at it. I'm probably just going to get it so it's halfway decent. If someone could point me to the classifieds that would be great. I need to find somebody who is parting a wagon out. Thanks for reading!


  • skinnyskinny Senior Wagonist
    Ah get a stud welder and a slide hammer and you can pull those dents out. Stupid deer, a car is much solider then your 4 legged a$$e$ :lol:
  • Welcome to the Site. Here is a quick run down on how to get to the Marketplace:
    You can request access to the Marketplace group. Becoming a member of this group will allow you to utilise the Marketplace forums.

    Under the User Control Panel is a "Usergroups" sub-heading. Click this to view all Usergroups and your memberships to them. Put a bullet point next to the group "Marketplace", select "Join Selected" in the drop down menu and click "Submit".

    If you have followed these steps correctly you have requested access to the Marketplace and will be pending approval from a moderator. You will be approved when a moderator has the time to do so

    Post a Want to Buy thread in the Marketplace for the fender and door when you get a chance and you should be good to go. It will be much much easier to go that route than the one suggested here :lol:

    Just read over the rules and enjoy your stay here. :D
  • i'll bet that couch is for your mother-in-law ...
  • i'll bet that couch is for your mother-in-law ...

    AHHHHHHHHHHHH HA HA HA HA :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • RCRunnerRCRunner Band Wagon
    The_Head wrote:

    Wow ... your ride looks just like mine ... same side too !!!

    Welcome to the board !!!
  • :mrgreen: It's not a couch. It's an easy chair of mine. I was in the process of moving out of my apartment. I got it from the 70's :mrgreen:
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    I have an office chair from the 70's. It was in the board room of Lion Nathan. Not that you guys will know what that is... :lol:

    Welcome along! I love grandma's perch.
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