HELP!!! Stuck in Vegas...Engine died after 350 miles
Band Wagon
I drove my 1990 wagon from slc to almost las vegas yesterday. The car acted like it had run out of gas car started to buck and pop and wouldn't keep running..once it died completely it wouldn't start again...I'm kind of stuck now and not sure what to do..Any advice? Anyone in Vegas want to lend me a hand? If i can't get it running I'm torn between junking it or paying to have it shipped to Salt Lake. If there is someone who can help, give me a call @ 716-863-6934.
FFind a local garage & get it fixed.
Try to see if you can get spark.If NO spark ignition prob.
Shoot carb cleaner or starting fluid into the intake manifold through 1 of the vac. hoses to see if it starts?If it does it's a fuel prob.
Might be a Ignitor prob.Honda dealer can put in in for free.See this link:
We have a few members in Vegas,but haven't heard from them in a while.Maybe 1 of the other members can hook u up.
Good Luck.
Best of luck to you!
Have you had any other issues like this ever before? Main relay? Were there lights dimming, radio cutting out anything like that? Really sounds like alternator pooped, drained battery and no ignition/dead car.
I'd love to pick up a "junked" wagon for a simple reason like this. Bring that into a garage and get it fixed; I'm sure its something easy. Good luck and keep everyone posted.
gotta have that smile
i luvvv a happy ending ...
every now and then
: )
I win!!!! :P haha glad to hear you got it back up and running and I hope you have many years of wagon fun! It's a disease not easily cured!
On another note...My engine burned about 5 quarts of oil on the 800 mile round trip. I've been thinking about putting in one of those used ZC engines in. Is it simply pull the old one out and put the new one in? Or do i have to do some fabrication? ... item=30022
I'll post some pictures as this project gets rolling.
Thanks for all your help
Is your car turbo? If not surely you must be kidding...
Oh and FYI. The top end is so crappy. from a dead stop, i got my doors blown off by a jeep cheroke laraedo we were stopped at a rail road x-ing on my way to edgefield from mcminville. long story. we were neck and neck and I though I might have him and hit 3rd. There was no more go then there was in 2nd I dont suppose honda made these cars for drag racing? :P
$10 well spent at Harbor Freight or equivalent gets you a cheap socket set and a couple of screwdrivers to store with the spare tire.