these are simply amazing. i love seeing old stuff like this. i always think about how in that time that was top of the line. weird. and how much honda has evolved.
I was thinking about getting them printed and framed. we have very few pics on our walls and I think it would be sweet. now i just gotta convice the woman.
stay up too late
: )
what you say
sometimes EagleBeag
i guess
not to mention
core business
as forum-clown
: )
i can scan the whole thing ...
B is app. 30kg/66lbs heavier than X
the specs are not consistent...
never exported from japan (?)
hmm...Beagle is 13cm/5.inch longer
than 'common' shuttle/wagon
and my russian is as good as
your dutch?
so i'm stuck...
who ever heard of
www hondaoldies?
: ) ... /honda.htm
That page?^^