Noisy Belt

I had all new belts put on my 89 RT4WD MT wagon last year when the alternator was replaced. Now one of them is squealing between 1500-2500 rpms when I accelerate. Not sure which one. Is it likely one them is just loose? It's too soon for one to have worn out. If not loose is there anything that you can put on it to quiet it down?


  • White&NerdyWhite&Nerdy Senior Wagonist
    Yeah, sounds like a loose belt to me. If you had them replaced last year, one of them's probably stretched a little to the point where it's loose now. If it's only just started to make noise, you can probably just tighten it up and you'll be fine. If it's squealed a lot, you may need to replace it, since slipping makes the belt even more slippery and more likely to continue slipping. Fortunately belts are cheap.
  • EXACTLY :!:
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