Bad CV joint?

Allright Well Latly my car has devoloped a squeek type of noise in the the front left damper/strut, at first i thought it was just dirt or water up in there. but its been over a week and still squeeking at every bump in the road. Do you guys think its a ruined bushing or somthing else???


  • akiraboyakiraboy Founder
    have you ever taken the wheel off yet to examine the suspension, I had a bad upper ball joint for a while on one side
  • Allright well today I took off the wheel today and cleaned out the driver suspension with an air compressor and sprayed alot of dirt out. Then put the wheel back on and test. *push up and down and car* no noise at all so im happy. So then i get in the car to test drive and after about 3 feet the wheel jerks to the left slightly , then again and begins to do it rythmicly every seccond or 2. So i take it out on the road and let go of the wheel and the car begins to drift to the right. So my question is now do you think i have a bad CV joint? and if i do why whould it just start to show after chaging the tire?
  • sic944tsic944t Wagonist
    bad cv's click loud like pop pop pop under acceleration and when turning like say your left one is bad and you turn hard left and from a stop and accelerate quick you will know whats wrong it will be a loud clunk clunk clunk and with the weight off the left cv due to turning it useually gets extra loud they are very easy to indentify
  • well i spent the most part of all yesterdau degreessing the suspension much dirt ...O.o..... but after all the cleaning and looking around we decided it wasn't the CV joint but a lil while ago when I had it taken it to the shop for them to put in the new cluth they also put in a new transaxle on the right. so we dediced it was more than liklly just an alightment issue.
  • qsoundrichqsoundrich Band Wagon
    I'm hearing a single POP when I take off from a stop. I haven't noticed clicking when I take turns though. It seems to be coming from the left-front suspension. Does this sound like a CV joint or a ball joint? How can I diagnose it. I guess a ball joint or any other bushing would be pretty obvious, but I'm not sure about a CV joint.
  • qsoundrich wrote:
    but I'm not sure about a CV joint.

    go under the car and see if the rubber seal sections are open or torn..if they are, then you need a new CV boot/joint..axle.

    axles run about $60 each for the wagon.
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