piston slap ??

Well i think old blue has got a piston slap.
Because its nocks when its cold but once its warms up its not as noticeable.

So will a piston slap cause damage? Is its bad?


  • im shure people will have differnt opinions on this topic. racing motors will be built with slap, forged alum, pistons will expand, and it will need the extra space. honda motors are built slightly the same way but not so much slap, honda pistons are pressure casted, wich is far better that any other manufacture, and they also expand. but nothing like a forged one will. its safe to say that your motor is showing some signs of wear, but i wouldnt worry until the slap noise never goes away. 88-91 2.0si preludes are prone to this failure early in life, the b-series with the worst stoke ever!
  • Well as of now I’m at 226,000 miles and i did a compression test last summer and it showed about 9.1 all cylinders. It burn about a 1/8 bottle of oil every 370 mile. Give or take depending how how it is ouside.

    So basicly your saying my motor is showing reasonable amount of wear for its age and milage?
  • SweetOh wrote:
    Well as of now Im at 226,000 miles and i did a compression test last summer and it showed about 9.1 all cylinders. It burn about a 1/8 bottle of old every 370 mile. Give or take depending how how it is out side.

    So basicly your saying my motor is showing reasonable amount of wear for its age and milage?
    lol, ya mon! thats a fair amont of milage, its doing real well for its age. ive seen motors with 50,000 miles that burn more oil than that, some motors just dont get as much love as others!
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