confused about spring options

Are there any lowering springs available for wagons? All the ones for civic/crx say specifically "except wagon". :x :x :x I would rather not go with a coilover setup, and have regular lowering springs instead. Am I screwed? Are coilovers the only option?

thanks in advance.

EDIT : I found the old civic wagon board, and was able to learn a few things. So, I need CRX or hatchback rear struts, and then I can use any crx/hatch springs... but what about DA springs? I want to be able to load this car up with luggage and people and not bottom out. If I wanted to use DA springs, what struts would I use? The car is an 89 front wheel drive.


  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    This is a link to the old site that should help. ... D=36.topic
  • jpciiijpciii familEE
    Thanks, man. I actually read that twice already, but I just read it a third time. third time's a charm I guess... Integra springs with hatchback struts should work.

    Does anyone else have this setup? I'd love to see pics.
  • loodoodloodood Band Wagon
    i don't have anything installed yet, but i have an extra set of rear tokico illumina shocks brand new in the box waiting for my ef.....think i'll use those with stock ef rear springs. yeah i know those springs are gonna be a bit light, but i'll still have the shock adjustability....hope these aren't too soft. it should put the front and rear of the car at the same height, instead of the ass-end all sticking up in the air on my 91rt. i'm not looking to lower the car and i like the feel of the stock springs for d/d. i'll repost after i get it all together and have some opinions.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    that was a great article.

    i actually considered doing the DA springs with EF struts, but plans fell thru and i ended up getting coilovers (i got them cheap tho). are you going to cut dead-coils off? someone around here has DA springs on their wagon for a slight lift.
  • jpciiijpciii familEE
    duckie8310 wrote:
    someone around here has DA springs on their wagon for a slight lift.

    yeah, but they don't use EF struts. I would like to see DA springs on EF struts.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    oh...well i guess you'd be the first!

    i think the only way would to cut coils off.

  • see my posting in Members Rides..under my posting..i answered your question there with a few photos.

    send me a msg if you have more questions.

  • ... cts_id=997

    would something like this work on our stock struts/shocks???
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