head bolt bolt removal.... these buggars won't move

Picked up the freebee b18a about an hour ago. Started pulling it apart. got to pulling the head bolts (head to block) and they will not budge. I looked up the torque specs and they're something like 63 ft lbs.
I'm using a 18" breaker and they don't wanna budge. I needed to take a break anyhow so I figured I'd ask... is this normal? Are these reverse threaded or something of the sorts?
I didn't wanna break out a big impact, just to find out they're reverse threaded or something of the sorts.
The teardown has gone quickly and without a hitch so far. Not really too much to these honda engines once you get all the sensors and stuff of the sorts out of the way.


  • They're not reverse thread. They're probably just heat cycled to death into being too tight. Don't use the impact. If they're corroded into the bolts holes at all the impact could damage the threads permanently.
  • Just be thankful its not a diesel, those suckers are tight!

    Just give it a good pull, once you "crack" them loose you will be all good
  • head studs come out you must retap/chase the threads in the block every time,
    most likely the head came off at one time and this was not done plus its advised that you replace the studs compleatly each and every time. very important! also room temp sould be in the 70's ive had trouble in cold weather in the cause i had to scenario. good luck :wink:
  • Got 5 of them so far, Then shattered a proto socket.... bummer.
    Usually can't get anything done during the weekends, save most of that time to spend with my wife and kids.
    Guess I'll go throw down the cash on an impact grade 14mm socket first thing monday morning.
    I hate when a project comes to a screeching halt like this. I have troubles sleeping. I wanna see what the underside of the head and the cylinder walls look like. Wanna know what's in store for me for this rebuild!

    oh well... monday it is!
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