Engine lights up!

everytime im cruisin the highway like maintaning a certain high speed for like 2-3 mins my engine light lights up :x then i would pull over turn the ignition off then turn it on again for it to turn off and the only way i could drive my car without lighting up the engine light is to play with the gas pedal gently
btw i swaped a d16y7 head and block on mine but i used everything from the stock d16a6 parts like intake mani, exhaust, harness, etc.
btw i swaped a d16y7 head and block on mine but i used everything from the stock d16a6 parts like intake mani, exhaust, harness, etc.
Exactaly, but Im guessing its the O2 sensor. Have you installed a header in the last little while? Every time I install a header on a car for the first time, it throws a code everytime I get on the freeway. A O2 code will generally blink once.
In the immortal words of David Moore: Its in the frickin' manual!
I get tired of spoon feeding this stuff to people, so I'll get you started but you're going to have to do a little work yourself.
A. Find the ecu
B. Look at the LED. Count the blinks.
C. Look up what X number of blinks mean.
Pull back carpet on passenger side floorboard. Then proceed to step A.
mine blinked once so i followed the one on a manual and pulled the HAZARD fuse for 10 secs then after puttin it back it was gone but as soon as i use it on the freeway it lights up again????? :x
btw i also tried takin it off for more than 10 secs but as soon as i use it at the freeway my engine lights up!
anyone else have an idea?
So you reset the ecu to verify there is actually a problem and its not a fluke.
The problem returned/verified itself.
So now you have to figure out why the ecu is getting an o2 sensor reading that is outside of the acceptable range.
1. Is the sensor still good? They eventually go bad, especially with +100k on them. A new Bosch with OE connectors is like $35-40 at a local Autozone. They also "rent" an o2 socket that makes removing/installing one a whole lot easier.
2. If the new sensor sets off the same code again, its pretty much down to a fuel mixture problem. You are running too rich or too lean and the sensor is alerting the ecu. There are a dozen reasons this could be happening...but...start with the sensor.
Again...the troubleshooting steps are in the manual. You found out how to reset the ecu. In roughly the same area, there are flow charts for diagnosing each code.
hehehe your thinking to hard at this point ....