HCW .com recruiting

There's a wagovan a couple miles from me that I've been noticing. It's gone from derelict to... better. It's on my way home, and I've watched it get cleaned up, bumpers painted, new pinstripe, etc.

Any way, today I saw someone in the yard, and stopped in to introduce myself. Gave Mac a forum decal, and a main relay, maybe he'll visit us.


  • RevmaynardRevmaynard Council Member
    That's awesome! What color is it?

    A guy with an EF knows where a wagon is sitting. He's going to try to get it, so I hope to pull him over here to make the SE wagons roll deep. Haha.
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    It's a white '88 with blue interior. The guy doesn't have a computer...
  • RevmaynardRevmaynard Council Member
    That's an issue. lol Oh well.
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    This was the guy Mac "Junior" with the wagovan I worked on last week^^^.

    I hunted up this thread because I talked to another wagonist today. Jose has an '88 DX 5spd, blue and very clean. It has 260K on the clock, and he says he's had it for 10 years..since 60K :shock:

    I gave him my number and invited him to the forum, hope he shows up!
  • i vote printed issue

  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    pebbles got in on the act today! I'll see if I can get her to relate her wagon-stalker tale...
  • PebblesPebbles New Wagonist
    so I was running errands today and saw a white wagon pulling into a parking lot. I pulled in behind her, waited for her to get out and said "I just had to say hey". She looked at me like I had 3 eyes and said "Um, hey?". I said, "we have the same car and you don't see many..." and then she realized (said she thought my car was new - thanks Bam). After talking for a few minutes, she/husband are original owners (217,000+miles) and recently moved here from one of those northern places that start with an "M" --Idunno' Michigan, Maine, Minnesota-- so hers has a bit of rust but basically looked really good. Gave her the website and told her to keep an eye out for us on the road and we'd do the same - I'm sure we'll see each other again
  • RevmaynardRevmaynard Council Member
    Yea, the HCW newsletter. lol Alll 30 mailing list members. Haha
  • yeah...and you delivering...
    on a donkey :shock:

    with a pin...
    right behind ya...
  • NZ-DB8RNZ-DB8R Moderator
    A nice Beagle just popped up on a NZ forum, I passed the website URL along. Hopefully they join up
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    While I was sitting at a light this morning, I spotted a lowered white wagon that turned into the gas station behind me. I just had to go say hello! Turns out the guy(Joel) knows Tom (B18C5-EH2). I invited him to join us.
  • RevmaynardRevmaynard Council Member
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Funny, I talked to Tom this afternoon... Joel was the bassist in the band Tom was in. Small world!
  • RevmaynardRevmaynard Council Member
    Lol crazy!!
  • no pics...
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