can my wagon be saved?

am reposting here, hope this is the correct forum...


Hi. I almost got killed last night (but am ok, obviously) when my friend Sharon and I were driving north on I-80 (snowing of course) and a saab in our left lane, sitting sideways and at a standstill, forced us to try to move into the right lane... where an 18 wheeler was.... the front right side of the car (the roof pillar) met the right angle edge of the trailer which also cracked the windshield. the tires of the truck also pushed in my door somewhat.

so i did the insurance thing (we're not taking blame!) but i want to know if you think a roof pillar and door repair are possible and how expensive these might be. i looked hard for this car, and even though its got 225k miles, she's run like a champ. prognosis?

also, i'm taking it into a recommended shop monday. your input in the meantime will help me manage this weekend.

thanks so much!

on a better day recently:


  • sic944tsic944t Wagonist
    aww man thats a shame she was a beauty but ... i think when you spend that kinda money on an older car well its a lost cause and from the pics they i cant tell how bad it is but they will prolley total it out cause no insurance is gonna spend a few grand on a car worth a few grand if you know what i mean
    id just buy it back or keep it or what ever and pu it to your best ability and get a windsheild and just keep it runnin cause it seems very nice
  • wagom4nwagom4n Wagonist
  • czensfczensf Band Wagon
    i went down to LA and purchased the one that was recently on sale there for about $2800. i'm going to take all the good stuff from my wrecked wagon (air conditioner) and put it in the new one (which has 45K fewer miles).

    so how do you sell a wagon with a damaged roof pillar? is that salvage only?

  • sic944tsic944t Wagonist
    where are you at id prolley buy that sucker for a fair price ?
  • czensfczensf Band Wagon
    san francisco!
  • JDMshuttleJDMshuttle Senior Wagonist
    how much for the front bumper? :lol:
  • JDMshuttleJDMshuttle Senior Wagonist
    better yet how much for the fog light switch?? socal pm me about the prices on those parts
  • czensfczensf Band Wagon
    i have no idea how much to charge for this or that and also have a day job and am not up for taking this car apart piece by piece. if someone has recommendations for the parting process, or why this would make me so much more money than just posting on as a car please post here or email me at

    i am going to save the foglight switch and swap the AC into the new wagon I picked up.
  • akiraboyakiraboy Founder

    I don't know from that angle the damage doesnt look too bad imo but I can imagine how the insurance will treat this. I would try to save it but thats just me, where are located?
  • czensfczensf Band Wagon
    i'm in san francisco.

    i bought *another* red civic wagon (the one that was on sale in LA) and now am going to do a final check for 'best parts' and then sell it.

    i also got an estimate to 1) pull and fix the roof pillar, pull and fix the door, replace the window for $1000. painting would be extra. however, i want to stop the $ bleeding and sell the one with damage. i'm going to change radios this weekend and post the car for sale on this site first. private message me if you like, jaybain2000 at yahoo dot com
  • czensfczensf Band Wagon
    i posted about this car in the marketplace discussion area.

    all of this is with the goal of getting a fresher version of the same wagon without body damage. thanks, please check that listing ;)
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