Photo Feedback Thread (General)

After a conversation between Billboard and I in his build thread I thought this would be a good idea. there will be two versions of this, one for automotive pics and one for all other pics. THIS THREAD IS FOR ALL NON-AUTOMOTIVE PICS.

here are the rules.
1-only post one pic at a time
2-before your picture you must give constructive criticism on at least one picture posted earlier in the thread. what you liked or didnt like, not just "nice pic" either, be specific.
3- do not post in this thread if you cant handle contsructive criticism. not everyone will like your pic as much as you do, and those that do like it may not like it for the same reason as you.
4-if you do not have or choose not to post a pic feel free to offer feedback about pics as well, since that is the point of this thread
5-have fun, this is all about helping each other get better at something we enjoy.

I will begin:


  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
    ^^ thats one of my favorite pix... i love the edit- keeping only the spoons and the brown eyes in color and everything else desaturated...

    one i took last weekend-- my friend luke skimboarding...

  • stephenstephen Senior Wagonist
    I guess just you and i will play, LOL. as usual you have a strong concept of composition. You seem to really have a hold on the rule of thirds. In several of your images including this one, I like the way you take the saturation up just enough to make it seem surreal in a "what dreams may come" sort of way. the fading black border really adds to this feel. your photos dont always seem like your typical photos, but that is cool because:

    "There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs."
    -Ansel Adams

    and my next pic:

  • friend luke skimboarding...

    nice setup for my grinders, soaps ... two pair ...

    getting pivots here is a nono grrr...

    great picturegallore

    : )
  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
    ^^^amazing clearity and color stephen.... along with great of depth of field, i love it...

    another one from skimboarding... i will go take new pix soon...

  • Very nice pics. I don't know what else to write. I love the color in billboards pics and the water effect is very nice.

    Here is my lame attempt. I haven't done anything to this pic as I am not good with Photoshop or anything of the sort. I just wait until my colors are right to prevent a whole lot of editing.

  • Here is another bad attempt before I go to sleep. They say all Asians can take pictures. HA HA.

    We were out walking in the woods and I walked upon this and thought it would make a nice black and white.

  • In keeping with the Lada theme... :twisted:

    This is a nite shot I took recently. I overexposed the picture a bit to capture as much light as possible. That did something weird to the color of the gravel, which is usually a light beige.

  • stephenstephen Senior Wagonist
    tsk tsk lalunette, you didnt read the rules. LOL. yours should be in the other photo feedback thread, and you need to post feedback on one or more of the other pics....

    Bill-the water effect is way cool. i assume you did that using layers? which i suck at using. the surreal colors are kind of your trademark, i love it. do you have a saved action you use to watermark your images? if so please share....LOL

    Rage-i like the colored flowers against the plain color of the branches in the first pic. the second pic is really good. you are right it makes an excellent B and W photo. maybe tweak the contrast a little for more pop, but the pic is great. If you dont want to learn photoshop but still want to do some basic editing to your pics try downloading google's picasa [ ]. it is free and good for most basic editing and a few fun other things too. i find that i edit >90% of my pics, so you may find it helpful.

    and now my pic. i shot this pick of the best man looking at the guest book at a wedding i shot recently:

  • BillBoardBillBoard council member
    stephen wrote:
    Bill-the water effect is way cool. i assume you did that using layers? which i suck at using. the surreal colors are kind of your trademark, i love it. do you have a saved action you use to watermark your images? if so please share....LOL

    not an effect; its actually water that is shooting up... i messed with the
    saturation and some of the tones of the image... but the pic is only 3
    layers; the pic itself/the border/and text....
  • EDwEFprtsEDwEFprts Senior Wagonist
    ^ i like the contrast of the black/shadow in front of everything else.
    but the rest of the photo doesn't work for me.
    it looks like the photo was an accident.

    (i really like ragenasian's forest pic.)

    let's try this photo of mine:

  • BOOOHHHH : )
    : )
    i'm a sucker concerning Billbees pix...
    vivid, crisp, treat for my eyes, despite of the black borders
  • EDwEFparts I like your pic but in a compulsive way I would have had to straighten the curb stops.

    Eagle Beagle you need to trim your beard and it looks like you have trees growing out of your ear :lol: Looks cool

    Here are some others. Remember I don't touch up any of my pictures. I believe in todays digital age you no longer have to have a good eye but more of just a good program.





  • 288.jpg

    everything looks great so far guys!

    here is an unfinished project i worked on for a photoshop class haha. about 2 hours in all (including taking photo's)
  • Here my best pics: It's a nice mix, I think.

    My (new) favorit:
  • 304.jpg

    Did a little bit of work to the photo.
  • One of my dogs last Fall; unaltered D80 full auto no flash.

  • Image of the dog is amazingly shot, kind of wish the trailer wasn't in the background. Great depth of color.
    Now I know I'll probably get bagged for this but I took this with a Kodak digital, then edited the image quite a bit, mostly looking for criticism on my editing.
  • considered 2/3 is black ?
    shadow, same tone
    minimalism ? ...

    uhm...dont take
    literally ?

    was it color ?

    enlight me (harharhar : )
  • Yes original was color, I wanted to focus on the highlights of the picture this was just and experiment with some of the features of photoshop, and I think it is a little too dark, however it makes an amazing background for my desktop :D , also for me attention is brawn towards the stiker on the rim, and that is where I wanted the focus of the picture. I also realize, not black and white literally, but when just desaturated it still had a lot of distraction in the picture. Enlighten, good one. :lol:
  • (\_/)
    (")(") uH ?!
    oh yes, the 'infamous' post-editing ...

    if it was the sticker you wanted, i would have
    choosen a more dominant position in the frame
    e.g. crop, or one of the other thousend ways
    to attract attention, i would have used the
    background texture(s), to emphasize the sticker

    different story, 2nd /rear curtain flash
    for the spokes, difficult to judge

  • MikeBMikeB Wagonist
    Photo of a watercolor painting I did of my late dog, Nigel.
  • I definitely appreciate the painting, that is a lot of work. I know, my wife does them from time to time and its not an easy process. Gorgeous painting to, you can tell that it captures a lot about the dog him/herself.

    I just got myself a mac and so this is from the 1st batch of shots I took and uploaded into iphoto.

    I "sharpened" this one up a tiny bit, and nudged the contrast a bit to: I thought it helped the snowflakes bestill themselves a bit.
  • ScallyWagScallyWag Wagonist
    Ok some crit: uh.... lose the datestamp from that flower(?) shot, ragen, and it'd be my fave... choice subject, and super close-up too... I'm just a point and shoot kinda guy too.

    Here's mine:
  • Got a new camera for graduation, it is a simple canon point and shoot digital, but takes good pics when manipulated right.
    Macro of the metal emblem on my camera case.
    My friend Adam
    My Girlfriend's Siberian Husky, Shadow
    From my trip last Saturday with a friend to the Factory Five open house.
  • stephenstephen Senior Wagonist
    i must say the painting of the dog is cool. i never could paint.

    here is a picture of each of my daughters i did recently:
  • I liked Stephen's black and whites with only certain features in color. Actually I love them, great pics.
    I wish I had a cool photo shop program to edit my pics. I can adjust color and lighting slightly when I upload from my SD card. Here's some of my attempts. I have more I want to post, but files are too big. I'll edit them smaller and post when I have time.
  • hoosiercubhoosiercub Band Wagon
    noahrexion wrote:
    One of my dogs last Fall; unaltered D80 full auto no flash.


    Nice.. great depth of field on this one.. I really like the saturation too.. What lens was this one shot with?
  • hoosiercubhoosiercub Band Wagon
    this one was taken before i got my DSLR.. with my point n shoot sony cybershot..
  • udubrx7udubrx7 Senior Wagonist
    These look kind of shitty because they are actual pictures that got dirty and then were scanned into the computer.

    Took this one in NYC with a disposable camera.... I don't know how it came out like this but I love it.

    These next two I took with a camera I made out of a pringles can!
  • Marc_EE9Marc_EE9 Senior Wagonist
    ragenasian wrote:
    Here is another bad attempt before I go to sleep. They say all Asians can take pictures. HA HA.

    We were out walking in the woods and I walked upon this and thought it would make a nice black and white.


    this is my favourite so far. simple, uniform and good composition

    here a few of mine ive found (thought it would be easier to post them all, rather than one at a time?)





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