coolant filter + evans NPG coolant

I was searching for radiator info and found these two wonderful products and thought I'd share it with you guys.


in the link above there's an email link for musselman in texas, called the guy and he doesn't sell it anymore..just ebay has it. ... idZ2QQtZkm

pretty neat huh?


  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    coolant filter doesnt sound like a bad idea. seeing as all the crap that comes out sometimes haha
  • That's a really good idea, though i must say if you plan on doing this, be sure to check your filter! if not, you could easily clog your radiator meaning no flow. no flow means no cool coolant! oops, over heated and my engines knocking lol.
    little warning hahaha.
  • Coolant filters are great on diesels (I have one on my Powerstroke), and they come as standard equipment on any medium to heavy duty diesel vehicle. Not sure they make as much sense for Hondas but it can't hurt to try one out.
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