Took it to get a o2 bung in the exhaust, put the o2 sensor in, raised it up a bit for winter duties, and ordered a cable to hydro conversion from hasport.
Installed new front axles.
Got the front windshield tinted.
Moved my Sirius satellite antennae from my dash to the roof due to the fact that the metal in the tint was killing my signal.
Replaced the pass. outer taillight along with tinting all taillight pieces.
Ran my friend with a LS EG hatch(or whatever you wanna call them) and took his A** LOL
Than after all the excitement, found out my water pump is going
prepped for winter. antifreeze flush, oil change trans and rear diff fluid change, antiseize applied to all my suspension bolts. this weekend it gets a full tuneup.
Re-did my audio wiring and moved both amplifiers under the front seats. Hopefully soon I can get started on the fiberglass work to finish my double din install. Also flipped my lever on the trans just to see how the car reacted to being in 2wd.....needless to say its moved back and 4wd again lol.
i was just at the local honda dealer to get a crank pulley bolt for a d16z6 block i bought and remembered to get one of these hood prop holders. and as i was there, there was another customer asking about a key for his 08 civic. ($125 ouch!) anyways, i was like, what about my civic? $10 and with my vin# they cut it right there without needing my old key. thought that was pretty cool. and my big purchase of the week.
New shoes.
Installed new front axles.
Got the front windshield tinted.
Moved my Sirius satellite antennae from my dash to the roof due to the fact that the metal in the tint was killing my signal.
There were 10 1/2 wagons here
Ran my friend with a LS EG hatch(or whatever you wanna call them) and took his A** LOL
Than after all the excitement, found out my water pump is going
Changed tranny fluid and made the lower indiciator lights on the bumper clear by removing the orange plastic thingy!
pics upon completion
Fixed my radio(wasn't working for some reason)
Cigarette outlet works now
Tinted tail lights all red
Really nice instal if i do say so myself!