3g eng.swaps?Trouble finding answers

So, i keep searching around. Not exactly finding the answers I'm looking for. To start.. i guess I'm wondering what kind of engine swaps can be done to my 86 2wd wagon.. by this i mean as close to straight swap as possible. Without too much fab'ing. Also, Right now i'm lookin at getting a new airfilter. I'm new to carb engines, but found some through k&n.. the heights differ from 2.75" - 3.68" - 5.5" as the i.d. stays 7.7 and the o.d. stays 10 ofcourse. will the 5.5" fit under the cover, and is it worth it. I'm trying to stay as close to stock with this motor as possible. Just wanna upgrade the filter. MIGHT change the muffler only later on down the line as with the cam gear. But that's undecided.
I am really curious as to what kinda of engine swaps can be done though for the most part
edit: i see WAY more information about the following generation wagon as opposed to my generation. am i lookin in the wrong spot?
I am really curious as to what kinda of engine swaps can be done though for the most part
edit: i see WAY more information about the following generation wagon as opposed to my generation. am i lookin in the wrong spot?
imo, there was nothing much to swap
: )
anyway, you can always add some patience
eagle... i'd rather have the 4wd
davens swapped a ZC into a third gen. supposedly there is a CARBED ZC.. im guessing its super rare but it looks like that fits in.
what you were saying about swapping out the entire fuel system and such, i guess it could be done.. but then you'd have to swap the entire electrical system too... and it would get pretty messy.
if i were you i'd get some performance carbs and build up the motor that way.
Like i said i'm new to carb'd engines.. just looked some up. HOLY CRAP their costy. at least more than I would have thought that is
I dont wanna be that guy that says it cant be done, cause I love breaking those rules, but if youve got a place to do this conversion, the patience, are mechanically inclined, the right tools, the determination, and the cash, anything can be done.
Hasport offers mounts and some wiring for this stuff. You might give them a call and take a look around at Red pepper racing. Its been a long time since I messed with any of the Honda stuff this old, so there may be newer resources as well.
A few quick links:
http://www.redpepperracing.com/forums/i ... p?act=home
Yah, pitty i spotted this one in France...
I eventually will look towards a 4th gen. Right now i feel i'll just stick with the wagon being stock and enjoy it. it's fun for now.
The prob might be your state laws about engine swaps.The hard part is the carb-fuellie swap.The easier way may be a aftrmrkt ECU controller for the fuel injection.Otherwise you're lookin @ swapping everything from the fuel pump forward.The Integra ecu fuel map is better.
:arrow: Basically if you're going to do this swap the cheapest is to buy a '86-'89 Integra as a donor car.
GOOD LUCK :shock:
http://maps.google.nl/maps?f=q&hl=nl&ge ... 2&t=h&z=20
Ya, i read that all this stuff is a straight swap into the CRX itself. I'm not skilled enough nor have the location to pioneer a project like this. Which sucks, or I would definately devote some killer time into it.
I was lookin through Hondata... tried getting into their forum to look around, but to register you need to know the stupid jdm teg type r engine code.. hell, i'm no honda guy so i dunno. and google didn't help.. at least not from what i found. thought it was B18C5.. guess not though.
I'm thinking eventually in a bout a year i plan to rent a house with garage where I can finally get to work on my cars. And then the wagon will be the 2nd project. Only to be tended to once my current project is complete. Be freaking sweet to have a 3g fwd wagon with a narly teg swap. oh, and btw, i would do this all the a 4wd.. but i got the fwd for $0.00
thanks for the info though, that did help.
I put an oem carb'd zc in it.
But I ditched the oem carb and converted to a DGEV weber downdraft. Great setup.
Some alternatives to a full engine swap...
Switch the stock carb for a performance carb...weber is the best bet. There are several downdraft and sidedraft conversion kits available.
Put a performance cam and header/exhaust and it will howl. Some guys on Redpepper are getting 130+ hp from this setup.
There is a better flowing head that you can switch to...but the details escape me. It's on Redpepper.
If you're considering a swap to a fuel injection, I'm telling you right now, buy a 85-87 CRX Si or 86-87 Integra parts car, preferably running. You'll need to scavenge the entire electrical and fuel system.
Here's a good place to start fro Weber conversions:
zc is the same as the D16A8?
the motor you swapped can be found from 1g civic/crx and/or 2g teg?
It seems like a 'simple' swap. But.. do you have the 'rare' carb motor than..or is it something completely different.
There are probably 12-15 different zc configurations. If you can't find the carb'd version, the "browntop" 1st gen ZC is a suitable substitute. Alternately, the 86-87 D16a1 from usdm Intrgras will work. Stay away from the blacktop ZCs and 88+ D16a1s.
The D16a8 was one of the euro versions of the ZC
Since my ZC already had a carb manifold, all I needed was the carb itself....I didn't need to buy the whole kit. So I bought a downdraft 32/36 DGEV (electric choke).
The reasoning behind going with the Weber was to get rid of all the crazy vacuum hoses.
It really simplifies the engine to basics....I had to learn a lot.
There's a lot of good reading on Redpepper. I posted a lot of my questions and solutions there.
This book was extremely helpful in choosing which carb and understanding how to tune it: http://www.amazon.com/Weber-Carburetors ... 895863774/
And with the 2wd version, you can follow one of the many writeups for installing a D16a1 into a 85-87 CRX.
This is something I'll be lookin at doing within the next year. What all would i need exactly if anyone knows
I'm guessing the propo valve, real knuckles & calipers, front knuckles & calipers, the two e-brake cables, rotors ofcourse too. all the brake lines
will the rear just subframe swap over??
but still i would proly need the brake lines still right?