Rear hub bearing replacement - suggestions ?

I've reached the point where the rear hub unit bearing in my 4WD wagon is shot and has to be replaced. According to the factory manual, it takes a lot of dealer-only tools to press the bearing off the trailing arm. Is there another way, or is it time to head to the local Honda dealer with a jar of vaseline ? :)


  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    you might need a press of some sort. u can get the whole assemply off by itself and if u cant get the bearing off and on take it to a shop and im sure they will swap it for ya realy quick. we have people bring us stuff like that all the time.
  • pbrushpbrush Band Wagon
    It's definitely a job for a press, which I have. However in order to press the parts off, there are a half-dozen tools required to avoid damage to the assembly. I could probably cobble up a couple of them , but the rest look pretty specialized.
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    I'd say a machine shop can take it out pretty easily.I'm not sure ,but the puller to pull off the bearing race looks fairly standard.With the right size(looks tight) mtl dowel the bearing should press out.IMO I'd go the ghetto way 'cuz if you screw up then take it down to the machine shop.

    Ghetto Way:Remove the snap ring to the brg.Actually what you can do is place a large mtl dowel or a very big socket on the brg & press it out with your PRESS.Later you can use the old brg to press in the new brg.
  • pbrushpbrush Band Wagon
    Ok, I tested this out on a spare arm off the parts car. Step 1 - using a 3/4" grade 8 allen head bolt as a guide for a drift, drive out the hub with a big hammer. No damage, looks like a tight but non-interference fit. Step 2- remove the snap ring. Step 3 - using a 1-3/4" socket, press the bearing out of the housing with hydraulic press. This is definitely an interference fit. What pops out looks like a non-adjustable wheel bearing. Anyway it's off so I feel better about attacking the actual car now, thanks guys. :P
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