Stock tire size question

Does anyone know what the stock tires were on a '91 EX sedan? I'm changing to 14s and want to correct my speedo somewhat. As of now it reads 5+ mph high with the 155-13s on. Also can you point me at an online tire size comparison chart, please? I must not know what the correct term is to search...


  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    stock tire size for the EF 13's (STD,DX,LX) are 175/70/13

    stock tire size for the EF 14's (Si, EX) are 185/60/14 is a good source for finding stock tire sizes as well.
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member

    I may run a taller aspect ratio, even a LT tire to fill the fenders... I don't really want a wide tire- this car is about economy, so less contact patch is good.
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    oh man, that website is sweet! turns out my speedo reads 0.1% too slow, hahaha :roll: im actually going 60.1 mph when my cluster reads 60 mph. :lol:
  • progressprogress Wagonist
    When my driver's side ball joint failed on me, I had to go with 13s on the front. I didn't realize my speed was off until I got me a Garmin GPS unit. Turns out the 95 MPH I thought I was doing was actually closer to 85+. I never thought going from 14s to 13s could make such a difference with the speedo. Now that I've got 14s on again, my speedo should be reading the proper speed right?
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    SHOULD be. recheck with GPS, that's how I see that mine is ~5.5 mph off. These online calculators aren't showing me that much of a discrepancy, but The GPS is pretty accurate, and consistent over a good long stretch of road while comparing it to the speedo.
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    :o Those speedo calculators are fun,BUT only good for round house estimates .

    :? The reality is that there is up to a allowed 7% difference in tire specs between tire companies.We use to find 1/2''(12mm) -1''(25mm) wider thread wides in the same size tire.
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