driving+water=I need a dohc zc EDIT:NOW WITH PICS

So, it rained pretty bad here and flash flooded pretty quickly. There was a very large amount of water rushing across the road but the mini-van and car made it in front of me so I thought I could do it in a stock RT4wd. Truth be told, I could have if the engine didn't suck up water and kill itself. The water was about at floor level when I started and ended up a inch or two up the door on the passenger side while it was sitting dead in the middle. I honestly don't think I would have tried it except it would have been my 3rd detour and I was late.

I tried pulling the plugs and cranking it at the scene, but it refused to turn over so I even pulled the valve cover quickly to check the timing belt (which appeared good). I got her home and pulled the plugs again (put them back in to avoid getting dirt in there besides the uber muddy water). Stuck a welding rod down the holes to see if the pistions were all at the same height or if a rod bent. Well, #1 (closest to the dizzy) and 4 vary maybe 2-3" with 1 being much much lower. :evil: :x :x :shock: :evil: :x :roll: :roll:
:evil: :x :x :oops: 
At 198,434.1 she died. The oil light kept staying on longer and longer when I started it, but that was going to be remedied by 15w-40.
So, does anybody know of any places I can get a Dohc zc by the weekend? I'm ok with driving to pick one up and I have already located a 6 day old craigslist listing to call as well as a importer in jersey. I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now..........

I tried pulling the plugs and cranking it at the scene, but it refused to turn over so I even pulled the valve cover quickly to check the timing belt (which appeared good). I got her home and pulled the plugs again (put them back in to avoid getting dirt in there besides the uber muddy water). Stuck a welding rod down the holes to see if the pistions were all at the same height or if a rod bent. Well, #1 (closest to the dizzy) and 4 vary maybe 2-3" with 1 being much much lower. :evil: :x :x :shock: :evil: :x :roll: :roll:

At 198,434.1 she died. The oil light kept staying on longer and longer when I started it, but that was going to be remedied by 15w-40.
So, does anybody know of any places I can get a Dohc zc by the weekend? I'm ok with driving to pick one up and I have already located a 6 day old craigslist listing to call as well as a importer in jersey. I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now..........
check out some online dealers. jdmenginescorp.com is a good one. fair prices, quick shipping.
sorry to hear about your engine. at almost 200K though, not bad
Thanks for the recommendation. 200k ain't bad, but I think it could have had another 75k left. My other option is to build a hi compression a6 (I have another block with around 200k that I could rebuild) but I really don't want to pay for premium gas. Is there a noticeable seat-of-the-pants difference between a a6 and dohc zc? Specs say there should be....
We are talking miles here right?
That makes it about 317,000 kms...
My engine is climbing towards 400,000 kms with no signs of slowing down. Mind you I don't race around with it so the babying probably helps.
Still sorry to hear your engine died.
Miles. I babied it as well and it didn't see redline very much at all.
I know everybody loves carnage pics...........enjoy!!
to bad your not local to socal. i may know of one of the members here who might be selling his d16 engine.
I went to pick up a dohc zc from a guy who had took it from a friend as payment on debt. I got home and realized it was the 86-89 teg version (which I should have noticed right when I got it). I gave him a call and he thought that all dohc zc's were the same so he said he's gonna give some people a call and let me know whats up later. My luck is really shitty right now.........
Too bad you are not closer because I would give you my DOHC ZC.
Good luck on your search!!!
Anybody need a SI trans for cheap?