Don't know if the 4wd is workin in my 90 RT4WD...

Does anybody have any idea how to check and see if the 4wd is working. I don't know much about the transfer cases in these cars, so I don't know how they hold up! I do notice in snow when my front tires start spinning I hear a clunking sound and feel clunking on the floorboard of my wagon. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks wagoners!


  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    tie it to a tree, and drive away from the tree. lolz, and then check if all four tires are spinning fruitlessly as you're pulling on it :lol:
  • don't be makin fun of me Wagodizzle!!!
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    it's martin, most likely, hes being serious. and i don't see why that wouldn't work :lol:
  • I know he was just kiddin around... But i would like to know if there is a way, besides pullin on a tree!!! Like I said, I don't know a lot about the 4wd wagons. Would this give you the impression that it doesn't work? example: I went to the mountain to go snowboarding... I got stuck in the parking lot, it wasn't plowed and only about 6-9 inches deep (this actually happened.)
  • michaelhinkle1michaelhinkle1 Senior Wagonist
    hrm, i'll let someone vouch for this.

    i know nothing about the 4wd wagons as well.

    but couldn't it also depend on if your tires are catching or not? i mean. think about trying to drive a 4wd jeep up a steep hill with half a foot of snow on it. it'd even be hard for that, let alone a little wagon thats got 15" tires on it.
  • I had chains on the dang thing...
  • and i don't think either of the back tires were spinning!
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    it wasn't plowed and only about 6-9 inches deep (this actually happened.)

    yeah dude, somethings definitly wrong. either you can't drive (im sure you can...:P) or something is goofy with your 4WD. i've never heard of it going bad though, per say. um, i was actually pretty serious about the tree pulling thing! haha

    you might wanna start basic, first of all if 4WD even engaged? it could have been disengaged previously. this is done on the tranny. do you have a manual or and automatic?
  • It is the manual tranny. I have looked the lever the manually disengage the 4wd, but it shows that it's engaged, that means it should work, right?
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    well, it should :P doesnt mean it will, haha. again, i've never really heard of it just "not working" so i mean, ch'yeah....

    go into a gravel parking lot, and have a friend watch you do donuts and drift. check to see and feel if the rear wheels kick in a 'launch' the car.

    sorry dude, but im too old fashioned and retarded to give any good advice at this point, haha.
  • no worries, just tryin to get an idea. Like i posted earlier, when I think it kicks in I hear a clunking sound, and I don't know if it's hurting the transfer case/tranny at all.
  • akiraboyakiraboy Founder
    you would need to raise the car on 4 jackstands, start, slowly let off the clutch, have some1 from outside (from a safe distance) observe.
    This is the instruction given from the tsm, and of course be real careful.
    Dont come back to me either if go thru your garage the worg way :roll:
  • i will try that soon. thanks akiraboy!
  • White&NerdyWhite&Nerdy Senior Wagonist
    Or if you only have 2 jackstands, raise only the front, put it in gear, and see if the back wheels push the car off the stands. Not recommended if you enjoy your bodywork. :lol:
  • thanks for that tip. Yes, I do enjoy my bodywork. there is a little rust but not a lot of dings so I probably won't try that one. But thanks though!!! :lol:
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