Clutch for my RT4wd CRX

Alright so here is the question. Can I order a clutch for a CRX Si and use it with the 4wd tranny from the wagon? Are they the same? I have several CRX A6 clutches laying around so it would be great if I could use one but if I need to get a 4wd one then I will.
This is what I have learned in the last little while. 88 Si is different splinewise than 89, but both use same flywheel. 90-91 use the same spline count as 89, but a different flywheel which is bigger. So you cant use a 89 clutch on a 90-91 unless you convert to the larger flywheel, which cant hurt either way.
than your car... loose weight in differrent places if you can ... for response
: )
Do you remember those little toys that you ripped the string on and it spun that weighted wheel. You then drop it on the ground and it took off. Same thing with your stock flywheel. The heavy stock flywheel, while putting strain on the engine, is easier to maintain the rotational force. So it is easier for it to maintain those cruising speeds for daily driving (that is if you have a decent commute). We all know a lightened flywheel will decrease weight and free the motor up of strain trying to turn it and free up some extra power, but in my opinion these are best suited for the tracks where the area is flat and the driving demands a quick revving motor and the need for fast speed changes.
If you live in an area relatively flat, or use your little wagon to pounce on the unsuspecting then by all means it is great for that. :twisted:
I know quite a few guys who just take their flywheels to reputable machine shops and have them lightened.
u can use any regular singe cam flywheels just be sure u use the right size there was a larger and smaller one
Lightened flywheels have pros and cons. Depending on who you talk to youll get different opinions. Personally I like them in NA setups. They help you rev up quick, BUT they rev down jsut as fast, so its kinda a catch 22. In the forced apps I hear a lot of people say that they dont like them due to the faster derev and that it pulls the car out of boost faster. We dont have that problem with our hatch, but we have a small turbo on it was well. We are at full boost by 3k rpms, so its really not an issue for us.
If you go to ACT's website they have a good product list that shows what parts will and wont work for the AWD Hondas. I just crossreferenced part numbers to see what was compatible from the fwd cars vs the awd cars.
thanks again