Slipping Automatic Tranny

90 wagon, 2wd, automatic.
if i'm going down the road, it usually shifts fine, say i'm doing 35mph, i put it almost to the floor it wont speed up, just rev and redline.
if i'm going around a turn and give it some gas, redlines instead of shifting.
if i'm cruising in 2nd and switch it to drive4 it redlines.
i have to let off of the gas most of the time until it shifts.
timing problem? it has been doing this since before my belt was replaced and set though. what else could it be?
for the record, i just replaced the transmission fluid.
Thanks in advance.
if i'm going down the road, it usually shifts fine, say i'm doing 35mph, i put it almost to the floor it wont speed up, just rev and redline.
if i'm going around a turn and give it some gas, redlines instead of shifting.
if i'm cruising in 2nd and switch it to drive4 it redlines.
i have to let off of the gas most of the time until it shifts.
timing problem? it has been doing this since before my belt was replaced and set though. what else could it be?
for the record, i just replaced the transmission fluid.
Thanks in advance.
im pretty sure its beyond the point of just needing new fluid if its doing what you are saying.
thanks martin. where could i find a tranny for my car? cheap as shit because i'll have to have a mechanic put it in as i have no idea what to do.
Aren't the hatchback trannies the same as ours?? If so, there should be plenty of trannies at the wreckers. ... ion+manual
"The other option is replacement. I doubt I'll find another 88 RT4WD tranny, but I've read in multiple posts that we can swap nearly any same-gen Honda transmission directly into our Wagons."
130,000 on it.. Worked fine for me..
trannies are very 'easy' to swap in... haha. just takes patience. you can use any Hatchback and Sedan tranny as well... and those are all over the mofuggin place. hell, my junkyard has like 3 in them right now....
shipping would eat me alive.
automatic? or 5 speed? and how long has it been sitting would be the problem.
and i know yards have them, but the bad thing about yards is you never know if they work or not.
since my car stands as an automatic as of right now.
how would i put in a 5 speed tranny?
shipping would prolly be like $50-75. i'll answer for kahuna: its an automatic.
this is not an answer with a quick reply....
this has been asked around. try searching. the simple answer is this: you need to first of all install the manual tranny, its all bolt on. next you have to drill a hole for the shift linkage then install all that. also i believe you need to get a M/T ecu but im not sure.
there is a bunch of other little odds and ends but yeah.
wouldn't a tranny need to be boxed and crated? why wouldn't shipping me expensive?
from the tranny being pulled and sitting, couldn't some things go bad?
trannies dont go bad from sitting for only a few months. just get it a fresh oil change and you'll be fine.
Its been sitting for a few months, mostly covered though.. Most all engines sit for a while before they were ever built..
As for a AT to MT, I did it on my wagon, it's not that hard..
Pedals, ECU, shift linkages, shifter misc. stuff, tranny, flywheel, etc.. Youll have to rewire the shifter.. etc.. I'll go more in-depth later, I'm at the girlfriends house and stuff.. lol
well, i'll buy your tranny man but the only way i'd be able to do it is via money order or to wire it or w/e via that western union thing?
how much would i need to throw in for shipping? in my moms van it has one of those handicap things that goes up and down so loading it on the van wouldn't be a problem.
100$ for the tranny? 130k miles? and you've NEVER had a problem with it prior to pulling it out?
the eairlest i'd be able to buy it is june 3rd. how much for shipping?
lolz, the thing only weighs like 50 lbs and is the size of a backpack. haha, no need for a lift
yeah that sounds good to me.. Uhh, let me get my dad to look it up and i'll let you know tomorrow.. What is your zip?
give me details on where a terminal would be as well. thanks man.
no foolin'? like you mean the Southeastern Freight lines that has a terminal 5 minutes from my shop? just damn.
bam-bam inlightened me on something so i think i'd rather do it myself.
Think about how booming the JDM importing business is. Do you guys think those 1990 Civic tranies they all sell have only been sitting for months? Try years, like 10 even. They still work just fine after installing them.
its not too hard if you have the right tools and know what you are doing.
i used a simple 40-piece socket wrench set when i changed a tranny for a friend of mine (for free, then i got yelled at for it. great friends i have. tranny still works fine for him a year later...) anyways, took me a day because i was doing it in the grass in the dudes front yard.
you'll have to drain the fluid then remove the passenger side axle. then unbolt all the bolts along that connect the tranny to the engine block. there are maybe 10-15. then disconnect the pass. side motor mount, the rear engine mount as well as the front. basically only leaving the drivers side engine mount connected. after this the tranny will slide off. oh, dont forget to first disconnect all electrical plugs and basically anything that connects to the tranny... like linkages, etc.
i can maybe find a friend that has his share of experince to do it.
bam-bam said a shop most likely wouldn't touch it since it's used.
how would i get the tranny out? for one i don't have a jack that will raise high enough and two i doubt i have the tools.
if i took it to a shop, my moms has friends at one up the road so most likely i could have it done there for semi-cheap.
i'll go up there today or tomorrow and ask them about it and get a quote.
and jack? i used the stock civic one haha... not safe, but eh.
if you find a shop that'll do it for cheap then thats good
yeah its one of those "low rent" shitty shops but all the mechanics there are really good imo.
they rebuilt my moms tranny in her old 90 4wd nissan pickup for 1200$ and rebuilt the engine for around the same price. ran perfect. they also do performance tunes and upgrades. pretty good shop, i'd say.
how was this high enough to pull the tranny out?? and how much does the tranny weigh?
anyone have a diagram on where things go? (wires, bolts, etc)
PSA: a jack is a LIFTING device. NEVER get under a load supported only by a jack. NEVER.
The tranny is only about 16" high, so you don't need to be really high. And you can pick up the tranny with one hand and carry it like a suitcase.
Diagram? Buy a manual, read it 4-5 times (the procedure you intend) And Try to feel like you know where you're going before you start, dig? As far as diagrams, take digital images as you go. I do this when I take apart some carburetor or tranny that's unfamiliar. Saved my ass many times.(memory ain't what it once was...)