JDM shuttles and beagles and crap

for anyone looking to find pics and such of the JDM shuttle and beagle on google image search but is not getting the best search results, copy and paste this:
and you'll find a bunch of cool new stuff.
maybe im the only loser who googles the Shuttle on a regular basis..... :roll:
and you'll find a bunch of cool new stuff.
maybe im the only loser who googles the Shuttle on a regular basis..... :roll:
Here's the link cause the pic is in a moving gallery like our banner.
http://minkara.carview.co.jp/userid/234 ... ofile.aspx
Also this site seems to be a wagon club. Someone who speaks Japanese should see what's up. Maybe there's a parts connect.
:shock: what if there is? martin, learn japanese.
then do what he said! find out if they have a source!
actually, i just speak Hungarian and some English. no japanese.
In the event that doesn't work bc Im logged into gmail, go for your self and paste the URL. http://translate.google.com/translate_t?hl=en
Greatness, eat your hearts out...
Thanks Google Translator
but GREAT FIND with those pics!!! wow :shock:
And that's why translators like me will always have a job. :P
I had to edit bc the link was wrong =(
This is the good stuff!
beagle seats, emblems, etc.
Here is a forum
Well if you are responding to the links I've posted they are to Honda's JDM site, not a message board or forum. idk
thats where i was getting pictures.
on a different note, grrr, I hate trying to understand this crap. I tried to post to a message board but kept getting an error, I even translated my message...
こんにちは、米国からです。私はアメリカ本土の愛好家は、ホンダシビックワゴン、お客様のjdmシャトルです。私のメッセージが表示さ委員会に属して答えを検索するソースを希望jdmの部品を、シャトルです。これらの自動車は珍しい、特に四駆モデルはRTで、私自身の= )任意のヘルプのplzですか?ですか?ですか?
Hi, from the United States. I'm stateside lovers, HONDASHIBIKKUWAGON your jdm shuttle. My message belong to answer the committee would like to find the source jdm parts of the shuttle. These cars are rare, especially in the RT model four-wheel drive, and my own
lol I sound like an idiot.
here is the board.
Anyways, you will appreciate this. I posted for us all. I hope to post more. chx it out
Fucking LOL!