Can anyone give me a site that sells JDM wagon parts!!

that would be great. Thanx


  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    if you find a site, you'll be my hero.

    short answer: i dont think there is any site on the known-web that sells specifically JDM Wagon parts.

    NOW there are JDM sites that will occasionally pop-up with Wagon parts... but that happens once in a blue moon. also, as much as people hate it.. check EBAY.

    on the search type in "civic shuttle" and have at it. right now there is a guy in japan parting out a Beagle... he has the Beagle spoiler on there and also he bullbar and such, anywho...
  • adamEFwagonadamEFwagon Senior Wagonist
    whats the beagle spoiler look like anyways?
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    looks like any old wagon/shuttle/shizzle spoiler except thaaaaaat it says "beagle" on it ;)

  • adamEFwagonadamEFwagon Senior Wagonist
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    Or Beagle-X :lol:
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