let me know what you think of my photoshop hood mod i'm thinkin of doin. the pic ain't my 87 cuz i couldn't get a good one that day so i got a pic of an 84 instead...same hood different lights.
man i feel like such a noob. i tried lookin around on how to upload pics and am havin a tough time about it. maybe i'm just doin it wrong. any tips on picture hangin?(i tried last night but then left it thats why the pst has no pic yet)
thanks for that info...here is the before
and here is the after...
if you can see what i'm gona do is make the two piece hood a one piece like the 88-91 wagons....now that the pics are up wht do you think??
P.S. thanks wagodizzle for the pic prob.
iguess u might thnk i'm nuts to do it but i think it will make it more streamlined. i used to have an 85 (my first) and i got her with the hood bent a bit. it bugged the hell outa me seeing the hood poke up on the ends like that. so one piece it will be...when i get around to it that is lol!
junk hood and nose piece. in case i mess up (putting it nicely) i wont be left without a hood lol! with the longer hood, getting to the release will take some creative work...or just go the easy route and use locking pins. and remove the hood lock altogther. like i siad b4 this will only go forward when i have time...and two good scrap yard pieces (i only have the nose piece for now.)
once the image is uploaded you have to use the link with the following symbols:
it should work then
and here is the after...
if you can see what i'm gona do is make the two piece hood a one piece like the 88-91 wagons....now that the pics are up wht do you think??
P.S. thanks wagodizzle for the pic prob.
how do you plan to go about this?
just an idea.