Mr Wagovan's 88 Civic Hatchie Project..

Mr Wagovan's 88 Civic Hatchie Project..

Lately I've been working on a little hatchie I bought last week for $150 dollars. The guy who sold it to me had no confidence in it and just signed off on the pink slip to me and said, $150 and it's yours. I took a look at the hatchie and bought it right then and there. It wouldn't start up and I had to get it towed back to my place.

At first I tried jumping it with cables but obviously that wasn't the problem because if it were something that simple, the guy would have kept this car for himself.

I spent a few hrs this week working on it with a friend and we were trying to get this bitch to crank over for days and couldn't figure out what the primary issue was..alot of different things go through your mind because with cars, it could always be something..else! you know what I mean.

We narrowed it down to an electrical issue and removed the distributor and found the coil was badly burnt.
I bought a new coil for $50 dollars and dropped another $10 bucks on some NGK plugs. and we got the thing to crank over and then it happened...the hatchie came back to life.
Let me tell you, it's a kick ass feeling when you bring a car that was put off for dead back to life.

The car has no rust build on it and has a straight body except for the rear hatch lift. Some numbnuts hit it from what the previous owner told me last week and he didn't get it fixed.
I found one off a 91 si hatchie at the junkyard for $75 bucks.







PS. The car came completely stock. I've done NO mods to it and these photos are how it pretty much looked when I bought it.


  • blaqmanblaqman Band Wagon
    good deal man, reminds me when a friend of mine bought an awd celica alltrac...all that was wrong with it was dead batt an i think first gear was f'd up. He charged the batt...put it in reverse and drove it onto the trailer, man the former owner was sooo pissed.
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    I'll give you $500 lol

    Good find man! Looking for something exactly like that myself. Something straight to drive while I finish my 4wd. Sick of my damn Explorer, things costin me an arm and a leg.
  • akiraboyakiraboy Founder
    there are some deals out there

    good catch
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    hey...looks just like mine!! (sorta) yours is luckily a DX....not a "standard" like mine. o well, have fun! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  • akiraboyakiraboy Founder
    I told you bout the standards, you're in a good boat too
    trust me
  • I'll give you $500 lol

    I think it's worth more now that it's running. I saw so many shit cars on Craigslist that are priced over $1000 and don't even run. I've also seen shells on 88-91 EF Civics for about $ motor, no axles, no seats, just the shell.

  • drove the hatchie rides well.
    no grinds or anything on the tranny.

    i'm thinking about keeping it around longer..

  • finally sold the hatchie today..didn't think anyone was going to ever come through and buy it.

    i'm gonna miss it..sniff..sniff.

    i'm onto my next project.

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