What do your B16A engines rev at with the S1/J1 transmission?

Quick back story, I'm not completely new to the world of B16A engines and transmissions, it's just that the time frame between me having and/or riding in a car with one is quite spaced out. I had a DA teggy about 10 years ago that had a B16A swap, however I am not sure which transmission was in it. The point being that a few years ago I did a B16A swap allegedly out of a JDM Integra XSi into my wagon and the thing is hitting 4000 rpm at around 55 mph. This hasn't really bothered me too much as I only drive the car around town once every other week or so, but the second I take it anywhere for more than 30 minutes it just is unbearable. Interstate? Forget it. At 70 mph I'm at 5500 rpm. I would love to be able to drive long distance to cr shows and meets but at this point I would not do it.
Now my question is, what do you people out there with this swap rev at 55 mph? I would assume the same as me..??
I've daydreamed about doing an LS 5th gear swap but parts are almost non-existent. Also toyed with just doing a full LS trans swap, does this drastically hinder acceleration? (I would imagine not as I'm now 95% sure my old DA had it's original LS transmission and it seemed quick enough).
Anyway. Looking forward to everyone's answers.
Now my question is, what do you people out there with this swap rev at 55 mph? I would assume the same as me..??
I've daydreamed about doing an LS 5th gear swap but parts are almost non-existent. Also toyed with just doing a full LS trans swap, does this drastically hinder acceleration? (I would imagine not as I'm now 95% sure my old DA had it's original LS transmission and it seemed quick enough).
Anyway. Looking forward to everyone's answers.
I have a JDM XSI LSD tranny in my B20wagon, i rev @ 4,400 ish @70mph. 5500 leads me to believe your tach is way off. It would take some serious transmission mods to have it rev where you are at.
LS tranny will kill any fun of a b16. either do an LS 5th, or get used to revving like a maniac. that's what i do. Did a 20hr drive across country revving 4500 the whole way.
http://www.ff-squad.com/tech/temp/Bgears.htm look at the bottom chart.
So I believe the tach itself is malfunctioning, needle does not bounce.
But which is the signal wire coming off the dizzy?