Rear end siezed, immobile on highway right now

My rear end locked up on the highway, long story short I was stupid...
Anyways it's on the side of the highway right now if I can't get it to budge well you know...
I can turn the wheels and they spin opposite, if I hold one wheel I can't turn the other. both wheels on the ground it's seized, I pulled the driveshaft off and the input won't budge.
I am thinking it's a problem between the input and the ring gear so if I take the front of the diff off(Technical name might be pinion housing? IDK)
I unbolted that front section but it won't budge. I'm going back in the morning on my minibike to take off the nut holding the yoke on to see if that's what's stopping me from pulling it apart. Anybody know what size socket I need for that?
Thoughts, ideas? At this point I just want to be able to drive it 4 miles down the road then figure out a plan for it.

Remember this is an 87 RT4wd not an 88-91 so it actually has a solid axle, I'm not sure if the diff is internally different?


  • :miserable:
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    How about reverse gear then forward again? That can release pieces inside, if it is that.
    I assume you have disconnected the drivetrain from the front and the issue is still the same?
  • Yes yesterday I took the rear section of the driveshaft out, and it didn't come dislodged by reversing but it did make one solid pop when I was rocking back and forth between 1st and reverse seeing if I could dislodged it.
  • Okay, got the seam separated between the two sections but unless there's something else I can't see I need to go western on it to get it dislodged, headed back to recoup and make lunch at my families place... I think I need a pry bar to get it apart.
    I do know how I could drive it but it's not exactly safe or legal, so that's the last resort.

    Worst case scenario:
    If I can't get this thing moved I would rather it go to someone on here than just leaving unlocked with the title on the dash or having it impounded, located in Western Colorado, 4-5 hours from Denver, 1 1/2 hours from the UT border. If I can't get it moved it's a job for a roll back or a trailer with a good winch, when the FJ cruiser dragged me off the highway he was struggling.
    I'm hoping for the best about getting it able to limp but you know....
  • Okay I've given up, I might try skidding it to the nearby gravel road tonight but before I just go ahead and give it away to a stranger who may not respect these cars anybody want a free RT4wd?... Okay it's really not free unless you can get here by noon tomorrow(72 hours after breakdown, I believe that's when they tow cars on the highway?). If not it would be wise to call a tow truck. I can store it at my families for a few weeks until you can pick it up if you can get it moved off the highway.
    6pm mountain time is when I will make my last trip out to the car if nobody wants it, I have it on CL for $200 and free on here but if nobody claims it by 6pm tonight I'm leaving the title and keys in it and walking away which I hate to do because any civic wagon let alone an 87 RT shouldn't go the the scrapyard. I know we have members both in CO and UT... free 6spd 87 RT, 173k with less on the motor, runs(but not perfect), shifts, plenty of new and spare parts... Rear end was killed by an idiot who forgot to check the gear oil then put the donut on the rear... I would say average to slightly below average condition cosmetically.

    Edit: as of 7pm it's got a free sign in it, I decided to leave the steering unlocked and it in neutral and my phone number so that once I confirm someone has possession of the car I can give them the key. title and parts rather than counting on people to not take the title without the car.
    Have a good resurrection or RIP Esel

    If anybody in the future wants the VIN(it's in the 3000's) to this car PM me or contact me via my youtube below, He had it listed for sale within 24 hours of getting the title so he's obviously floating the title and I am betting the rear end was not fixed correctly.
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