'90 Civic Wagon 2WD AT, no start

My beloved brownie died on me last September 2016.. It was running fine one day, the next day no start. It sounds like it cranks faster than usual, which led me to believe the timing belt had broke, but it is ok.
Things I have tried so far:
New Dizzy (had one so why not)
Checked fuses, found one 15A burnt out, replaced, still no start
Cracked fuel pressure relief bolt on the fuel filter, pressurized fuel seemed to be present,
Turn key to "on" I think I hear the fuel pump priming the line
no CEL's
Other info
Had the car in the shop in December 2016, mech told me one of the cylinders was pretty much shot (30 psi iirc) the engine (210K) has used alot of oil for awhile now and would be a little hard to start (crank for 10 secs or so) sometimes.
Car was started up in October of 2015 after sitting for over a year, with no fuel treatment. It threw a CEL back then (didnt see what code), ran like crap for awhile on the old gas, then ran fine until September 2016
Gonna try replacing the fuel filter and see what happens, I have no record of the last time it has been replaced. I have one on hand anyways.
Gonna check for spark again when I get another person to help me
Thoughts? This car is an ugly wreck (2 deer strikes so far) but its fun to drive around, when it runs. Any help is appreciated.
Things I have tried so far:
New Dizzy (had one so why not)
Checked fuses, found one 15A burnt out, replaced, still no start
Cracked fuel pressure relief bolt on the fuel filter, pressurized fuel seemed to be present,
Turn key to "on" I think I hear the fuel pump priming the line
no CEL's
Other info
Had the car in the shop in December 2016, mech told me one of the cylinders was pretty much shot (30 psi iirc) the engine (210K) has used alot of oil for awhile now and would be a little hard to start (crank for 10 secs or so) sometimes.
Car was started up in October of 2015 after sitting for over a year, with no fuel treatment. It threw a CEL back then (didnt see what code), ran like crap for awhile on the old gas, then ran fine until September 2016
Gonna try replacing the fuel filter and see what happens, I have no record of the last time it has been replaced. I have one on hand anyways.
Gonna check for spark again when I get another person to help me
Thoughts? This car is an ugly wreck (2 deer strikes so far) but its fun to drive around, when it runs. Any help is appreciated.
I guess what I am wanting to know is, what would cause it to run fine one day, then be dead the next day... any EF/EE specific issues I should be aware of?
Only thing I have ever had happen was a bad ICM in the dizzy, which kept blowing coils, but it died mid drive.
Out 2001 Civic died just like you described. We assumed TB broke. Peaked through the valve cover while cranking and could see the cam moving so "assumed" it was OK.
TB had slipped. I don't know how much. I do know enough to not run but not enough to bend valves. New TB and car ran great. Dodged a bullet.
Point is - it might look OK but not be OK.
I just got done doing that and came to update the thread... pulled the VC to see if everything was moving, etc. It was. Still dont know if the belt skipped or not but will check that later, maybe. I also checked the spark, nice fat spark. So we fed it some starting fluid. Nothing, nothing at all. I have the day off tomorrow so I think I will try and get a compression tester and see how its doing there.
Two down, three to go.
So what happened when the car died is I drove it back and forth to work (60 miles), turned it off went inside, etc. Next morning, no start. Could it have skipped timing going down the highway? Just wondering. I'm waiting on a compression checker to become available to get the numbers there.
Those are the components to a running engine and air is easy to check, silly to overlook it, even if it's almost as silly to check...