New member, old owner in PNW

Hello: I live in north central Oregon, on the dry side of Mt. Hood. I've owned my 1990 Civic Wagon for 17 years. The previous owner had the engine rebuilt at 105,000 miles and I bought it shortly after that. The car now has close to 180,000 miles on it. I've been the only driver. I'm probably the oldest person on this forum and the least tech savvy but I hope to put up some pictures and more info eventually.


  • Welcome to the forum! Search around first and I am sure you'll find an answer to just about anything you can think to ask. I hope to see you around since you are in the NW.
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Welcome,fellow adult person!
  • Welcome to the forums! Were here if you need anything. Looking forward to photos!
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