Noise from front diff
Band Wagon
Hi, first time poster, just about to hopefully purchase my second civic wagon. This one is a 1995 Beagle, it drives beautifully except for a noise that worries me a little.
It squeals like a slightly loose fanbelt but continues at regular intervals regardless of engine/road speed.
With engine idling there is no noise.
Should I run and wait for another, or is it a maintenance item I can sort such as the viscous coupler?
Thanks heaps, Will
It squeals like a slightly loose fanbelt but continues at regular intervals regardless of engine/road speed.
With engine idling there is no noise.
Should I run and wait for another, or is it a maintenance item I can sort such as the viscous coupler?
Thanks heaps, Will
It's intermittent, if I go over a bump - as in pull in to a gas station it may stop/start.
When it's happening the squeal goes for 5 seconds then stops for 2 seconds, regardless of road/engine speed.
And finally, when the squeal starts the headlight dim for a moment, literally 0.1 seconds, only noticeable on a pitch black road.
Cheers, Will
I wouldnt pass on a beagle regardless of how shit it was so no i wouldnt say wait for another.
So just to add to the symptoms list.
No noise when
Car at idle.
car in neutral, regardless of rpm.
Car in gear loaded up against the handbrake but not moving.
Noise when
As soon as it's moving in gear even if just accelrating from idle @~800 rpm.
Coasting downhill with clutch in, or in neutral.
Moving = noise, not moving = no squeal
I can also confirm that the lights flicker when the squeal begins.
One last symptom the '4WD' warning light stays on for the first 30 seconds or so of driving, I'm unsure if that's normal...or what the warning light even indicates!