Gsr swap help

Finally got to the point to put my b18c in the wagon. Using innovative mounts the rear transmission mount is on and the passenger side mount will line up, but the drivers side mount is way off. Any suggestions welcomed. I was thinking about biting the bullet and going with avid mounts, but thought I'd get others opinions first.


  • are you using the correct engine bracket that is behind the timing cover. the b series motors i put in 88-91 hatchbacks, i always had to use the driver side bracket from a 90-93 integra. the 2 studs were offset rather than straight like newer integras.
  • Yeah I have the right post mount, I'm thinking it's the way the rear transmission mount is sitting causing the line up issue..will be checking this weekend and will post my observations.
  • killapetekillapete Band Wagon
    Sorry this is a bit late, but I bought the innovative "t" bracket and that solved my problem. I'm running innovative mounts and I guess they designed the t bracket for those mounts. Motor lines up perfectly now
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    The T-bracket can also be sourced from a DA6/8 or EF8/9.
  • bkmc24bkmc24 Senior Wagonist

    Browse some here. They have a lot of good info if you run into another snag.
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